(Morning News) The Korean and American armies launched the joint exercise of" ULCHI Freedom Shield "(UFS) joint exercises on Monday (August 22).

Yonhap News Agency reported that the joint exercise will be carried out until September 1, and the two armies will strengthen the surveillance and alert situation of the North Korea in order to deal with the provocations such as the firing bombs initiated by North Korea during the joint performance.The government and the military plans to master the cross -departmental crisis management capabilities and joint combat support processes through this joint exercise, and comprehensively improve the national overall implementation capabilities of North Korea's local provocation and comprehensive war.

This joint performance consists of two parts. The first part will be transferred to the time of the war system and repelled the North Korean attack and defense of the capital circle.Make sure the capital circle is safe.Since 2019, the "B Exercise" implemented by the South Korean government has been merged with the first part of the exercise for four days.

Before that, Han and American will conduct a four-day crisis management exercise from August 16th, which is equivalent to this timePreparatory exercise co -starring.

This co -star will reflect the new changes in the form of war in the Ukrainian war such as drone attacks and cyber warfare. Assuming enemy forces attack ports, airports, semiconductor facilities and other major industrial facilities and national key facilities, etc.In the case, the protection and reconstruction drills participated by the people, officials, military, military, and police.

The second part of the exercise will also conduct exercises that use computer simulation methods at the same time and combat field maneuver training in accordance with the echelon and functional testing level.Specifically, there are 13 drills such as scientific combat co -performance (travel level), eliminating large -scale lethal weapons (battalions), and special war exchanges (small scale).As a result, Han and American joint -scale co -exit will restart in 2018.

In addition, Han and Mei will also implement the complete use capabilities of future joint commands in accordance with the "conditional transfer of combat command during the condition of conditional transfer war."