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(Morning News) The Russian Federal Security Agency on Monday (August 22) directly pointed out that the Ukrainian agent department was behind the scenes behind the murder of President Putin's confidant staff Du Jin.

Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian sociologist Alexander Dugin, was about 20 kilometers west of Moscow on the evening of Saturday (20th) in the evening of Saturday (20th).Du Jinna, 29, drove Du Jin's Toyota off -road vehicle at the time. The car exploded when passing through a highway west of Moscow, and the entire car was crushed.Du Jin had a car with his daughter, and temporarily changed his mind to get in another car.

President Ukrainian consultant Podoliak said on Sunday that the attack had nothing to do with Ukraine.

However, according to Russian media reports, the Russian Federal Security Agency said on Monday that the attacker was a Ukrainian woman born in 1979 and was hired by the Ukrainian agent.

Reuters quoted Russian media reports that the woman and her teenage daughter arrived in Russia in July and spent a month to prepare for the attack.They are said to rent an apartment in the same residential area to master Dukinna's daily life.

The Russian Federal Security Agency said that the Ukrainian woman attended the same event with Dukina and Du Jin on Saturday night and fled to Estonia after the car of "remote control" Du Jinna.Reuters cannot confirm these reports.