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(Morning News) A British independent think tank said that the microelectronics of the United States and allies are key components used by the weapons used by Russia to invade Ukraine.

Comprehensive reports of VOA and VOA, based on the Royal Institute of Military Research (Rusi), entitled silicon life lines: the core of the Russian war machine relies on Western electronics products, and Russia found in Ukraine in Ukraine.More than 450 foreign parts were found in the weapons.

The author said that before the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has obtained key technologies from companies located in the United States, Europe and Asia for many years.

Ukraine said that Russia launched more than 3650 missiles and guided rockets to Ukraine's territory in the first five months of the war.The report of the report, Gary Somerville, a researcher at the Researcher Gary Somerville of the Research Institute of the Institute of Royal United Military Research Institute, said most of these weapons rely on Western microelectronic technology.

Sameville said to the Voice of America: "Many of the key microelectronic products, they (Russia) does not seem to have real reproduction capabilities -at least not reaching the same level of complexity and scale of the scale.. These are essential for weapons such as precision missiles with very complex processing units. "

This includes" Iskander "9M727 cruise missile, it is it is itOne of Russia's most advanced weapons.

Researchers at the Institute of Royal United Military Institute took some missiles on the spot and checked the internal microelectronics components.They found several parts of the West, including digital signal processors, flash memory modules, and static random access memory modules. The manufacturer is a company headquarters in the United States, including Texas Instruments, ultra -micro -semiconductor companies (Advanced Micro Devices) and Cypress Semiconductor.In addition, they also discovered Ethernet cables from the United States, the Netherlands and German companies.

Russia's KH-101 cruise missile contains 31 foreign parts, which some of these missiles attack the Ukraine capital Kiev.

A spokesman for all microelectronics companies mentioned in the report said that they complied with trade sanctions and had stopped selling parts to Russia.The report did not indicate that these companies violated any export control laws.

Sameville said: "How could Russia get these things? When we actually checked many of them, they found them."

Before invading Ukraine, Russia can freely obtain these microelectronic products.

However, the Royal Institute also identified at least 81 components listed as "dual -use" by the US Department of Commerce. These parts must accept US export control;The high -performance complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) static random access memory micro -chip was found in the handheld navigation system and was originally manufactured by the American Cypras semiconductor company.The Russian Special Forces used this chip to accurately determine their own positions and estimate coordinates for precise artillery and air strikes.

The report from the Royal United Military Research Institute said: "This part is a high -speed, ultra -low power consumption 148 memory chip, which is listed as dual -purpose items in terms of export purposes."

Two -thirds of foreign parts found in the Russian weapon system are manufactured by companies headquarters in the United States, and Japan is the second largest supplier.

Many micro -electronics found in the Russian weapon system have decades of history.After Russia invaded Ukraine in February this year, many countries prohibit exports such as Russia.

Sameville said that Russia has a set of carefully designed methods to obtain the history of technology.

He said: "Russia uses a series of guise companies. When you conduct due diligence, these companies seem to be legitimate, but in fact, they have some connection with large Russian companies.Large companies are actually members of the military complex. "

The report of the Royal Institute of Military Military in the United Kingdom also explains in detail how Russia uses false end user certificates and a third -country transshipment company to cover up the ultimate destination.Transferrs include several companies in Hong Kong.

Report mentioned that Russian customs records show that in March 2021, a company imported the value of US $ 600,000 (about S $ 834,700) made by Dezhou Instrument Company through a dealer headquartered in Hong Kong in Hong Kong.electronic product.Seven months later, the company imported another $ 1.1 million micro -electronic product made by Xilinx.

Sameville believes that the US and allies must strengthen sanctions on Russian weapons manufacturers and their component suppliers.He said: "Sanctions and effective enforcement of these sanctions can play a role in increasing the cost of Russia's acquisition of these microelectronic products."

The author of the report pointed out that Russia is currently in a hurry to purchase microelectronic products,If the supply is cut off, the Russian army may be permanently weakened.

The Institute of National Defense of the Royal Military Army is the main forum of defense and international security. It is an independent think tank specializing in cutting -edge defense and security research. The Duke of Wellington was established in 1831.