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(Morning News) North Korean leader Kim Jong -un's sister and Deputy Minister of Labor Party, Kim Sa Ken, said that South Korean President Yin Xiyue proposed the" bold concept "of the policy roadmap," stupidity"The end", the DPRK would not ignore it.

Yonhap News Agency reported that Jin and Zheng Zhengzheng (August 19) reported on labor news in the party agency in the name of my own name.Kim Tengzheng said: "I don't know what a new trick will be used by the Korean side, but I announce here that the North Korean party will never ignore it."

Kim and Zheng also said, "bold ideas" is notNew things are just "nuclear -free, open, 3000" proposed by the Li Mingbo government more than 10 years ago.She pointed out that the "bold ideas" proposed by Yin Xiyue is unrealistic ideas, stupid.

Yin Xiyue held Hundred-day press conference on the 17th on the 17th.Provide all -round assistance for politics, economy, and military.

Yin Xiyue said: "I put forward the 'bold idea' in the speech in August 15th.Economic and military assistance. Specifically, including providing diplomatic support such as promoting normalization of North Korea and the United States, considering cutting conventional weapons, providing assistance to food, agricultural technology, medical care, infrastructure, finance, and international investment. "

He saidIf Kim Jong -un was willing to give up nuclear martial arts ambitions, he was willing to talk to him.The talks between the two sides should not be a "political show", and it is important to establish long -lasting peace between the north and the south.

However, on the early morning of the 17th, North Korea launched two cruise missiles .Han Mei is analyzing its specific parameters.

Yin Xiyue took office? The Chao -fired missile

The cruise missile was not included in the type of missiles that the United Nations Security Council decided to prohibit North Korea from launch.In addition, the 17th is exactly for Yin Xiyue for 100 days. If it is included in the missile launched in the early morning of the day, North Korea has launched the missile four degrees since Yin Xiyue took office.

Analysts believe that North Korea's move is actions taken by the South Korean and American joint military exercises launched on the 16th. Some analysts also believe that North Korea's concept of Yin Xiyue poured cold water.