(Morning News) The UN Secretary -General Guterres warned that it was equivalent to "suicide" to destroy the Ukrainian Polithered nuclear power plant controlled by Russia.Polish Nuclear Power Station is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

Comprehensive reports of the BBC and Reuters, Gutres visited Ukraine on Thursday (August 18), and held it with Turkish President Erdogan and Ukrainian President ZeleiThree -party conference conducted consultations to end the Russian and Ukraine War and ensure the security of the Polish Nuclear Power Station.

Gutres said to the media in Laviff after the meeting that he was "seriously concerned" about the situation of the Poli Nuclear Power Station and emphasized that it was necessary to classify the area around the nuclear station into a non -military zone.

Gutres said: "We must tell the truth -any potential damage to the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station is suicide."

Getres further says:"Nuclear power plants must not be part of any military operations'. The warrior" urgently needs to reach an agreement, re -establish the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station purely as a civil infrastructure and ensure local security.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has rejected Gutres' proposal on the same day.

Erdogan attended the Lavov meeting that they discussed the possible way to end the Russian and Ukraine War, that is, using the United NationsThe positive atmosphere created by the mediation grain export agreement to establish a long -lasting peace.

Erdogan said that they also discussed the issue of Uh and Russia's exchange prisoners of war and revealed that he will be late with the time with the later time with the time with the time.Russian President Putin discussed the exchange of prisoners of war.

In addition, Zeleianzki said: "We and the UN Secretary -General will establish an agreement on the establishment of a legitimate channel without occupants, which will be the IAEA) May send a delegation to the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station for inspection and creative conditions."

Zellennki also reiterated that Russia must withdraw troops from Ukraine, otherwise it is impossible for both parties to reach a peace agreement and tell Erdogan that Russia" has prepared for a certain peaceful arrangement ",I felt "very surprised."

Zelei said: "They must first evacuate our land, and then we talk about it again."