(Morning News) The Japan Taxation Bureau launched creative competitions to encourage young people to drink alcohol, thereby increasing alcohol taxes, but they were severely approved in social media.

Bloomberg reported that the Japan Taxation Bureau launched a creative competition called "Sake Viva!" in July, seeking business plans from young people or groups to help revitalize the Japanese wine industry.This competition encourages participants to propose a promotional plan for young people, or use artificial intelligence and virtual world to increase alcohol sales.Officials accept applications from all over the world, but the plan must be written in Japanese.

As Japanese consumers pay more and more attention to health, population aging, and changes in young people's taste, Japanese winemakers have always been distressed how to stop the sales of alcohol.In addition, during the crown disease epidemic, the sales of alcohol in restaurants and bars declined sharply, which led the producers to the products with lower alcohol content, and inflation also further squeezed the profits of alcohol products.

After the competition was reported, this week began to attract attention on Twitter, and the "Sake Viva" label on Twitter caused heated discussion.

A Twitter user directly criticized the game "ridiculous", saying that young people avoid drinking alcohol should be regarded as a good thing.Many other users also agree, and some people say that this competition seems to be on the left of the Ministry of Health encouraging moderate drinking.

According to the data of the Taxation Bureau, the taxes levied in Japan from alcohol sales are about 1.1 trillion yen (about S $ 11 billion), accounting for about 2%of the total tax revenue of the fiscal year in 2020.It has decreased by 13%compared to 2016.

The Taxation Bureau responded to the media inquiries that activities were a means of business promotion, "it is by no means encouraging people to drink too much."