(Morning News) UN Secretary -General Gutres will talk to Ukrainian President Zelezi and Turkish President Erdogan to discuss the political solution of the Ukrainian crisis.

Gutres arrived on Wednesday (August 17) to arrive in Lviv, western Ukrainian city. After holding a three -party talks with Zelei and Erdogan on the 18thOdessa from the south.

Agence France -Presse reported that UN spokesman Dugrik said that the three will discuss "the necessity of solving this conflict through political channels."It is expected that the content of the talks also includes the status of Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine.

Earlier, Gutres called on Ukraine to fight both the Bolo -hot nuclear power plant and classify the area where the nuclear power plant is located as a non -military zone.

China News Agency reported that Zeleiski said in a routine video speech on the evening of the 17th that Ukraine would cooperate with the United Nations to win the necessary results.

Ukraine and Russia are the two largest exporters in the world., lift the blockade of the transportation of the Black Sea.