(Morning News) According to the news on Wednesday (August 17), the Japanese crown disease, the epidemic of hand, foot and mouth disease gradually lost control.Recently, patients with hand, foot and mouth disease in many places in Japan have surged, and the tendency to severely occur.

Since May, patients and foot and mouth patients in Tokyo have increased slowly, and it has suddenly increased after July.As of the end of July, there were more than 1,200 patients with hand, foot and mouth disease in Tokyo, and reached the "alarm level" after a lapse of three and a half years.

It is reported that in August, the epidemic had not subsided, and the trend of severe was obvious.The number of hand, foot and mouth infection in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan also recently exceeded the basis of the base.On August 12, Tochigi County issued an alarm to remind people that the people's hand, foot and mouth disease had formed large infectious diseases, and be sure to take precautions.

Murakami Murakami, the director of the Children's Children's Clinic in Japan, believes that hand, foot and mouth disease is a representative disease in summer, and now it is raging with the seventh wave of crown disease in Japan.

Hand, foot and mouth are infectious diseases caused by intestinal virus. There are more than 20 types (types) of intestinal virus that causes hand, foot and mouth disease, of which in the Cozic Virus A16 (Cox A16) and the intestineTao virus type 71 (EV 71) is the most common.Most of them occur in children under the age of five, showing small herpes or small ulcers in oral pain, anorexia, low fever, hands, feet, oral cavity and other parts. Most children heal for about a week.Early complications such as sexual meningus.Individual severe children have developed rapidly and can cause death.