Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasized that China must make a necessary legitimate response for the blatant provocation initiated by the United States.

According to the information published by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi said on Monday (August 15) to see the Asian -African -African developing countries in China in China.The legitimate rights that exercise the maintenance of national sovereignty and the integrity of territorial territories are also to maintain the principle of non -interference in the principle of internal affairs.

Twelve days after the Speaker of the House of Representatives Perliss, five of the US cross -party members met in Taipei Cai Yingwen on Monday and visited the Legislative Yuan.On the same day, the PLA launched a practical exercise around Taiwan, and emphasized that this move was a serious deterrent of "continuing to play with the Politics of the United States".

Wang Yi also believes that in the face of the continuous delay of the crown disease, the turbulent international situation, the cold war thinking, "we need a strong United Nations than any time", and emphasize that it is necessary to further enhance the major development of the majority of development.The representativeness and speech of the Chinese family cannot make multilateral institutions into tools for individual countries and national groups to manipulate decision -making international affairs.