Chinese official Thursday (July 28) should be appointment with US President Biden Telephone .According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency, the heads of state of the two countries conducted frank communication and exchanges on Sino -US relations and issues that both parties cared about.

Xinhua News Agency quoted Chinese officials that the two trends of world turmoil and change have continued to evolve, and the two major deficits of development and security are constantly prominent.Faced with the world of messy intertwined, the international community and the people of all countries are looking forward to the leading role of China and the United States, maintaining world peace and security, and promoting global development and prosperity.This is the duties of the two major powers of China and the United States.

China officially emphasized that from the perspective of strategic competition, treating and defining Sino -US relations, treating China as the most important opponent and the most severe long -term challenge.The peoples of the two countries and the international community were misleading.

Chinese officials say that the two sides should maintain communication at all levels, make good use of existing communication channels to promote cooperation between the two parties.The current global economic situation is full of challenges.China and the United States should maintain communication with major issues such as macroeconomic policy coordination, maintaining the stable supply chain of the global industrial chain, and ensuring major issues such as global energy and food security.In violation of the rules, the detachable chain will not help boost the US economy, and it will also make the world economy more vulnerable.The two sides should promote the removal of regional hot issues to cool down, help the world get rid of the new crown epidemic as soon as possible, get out of the dilemma of economic stagnation and recession, and maintain the international system based on the United Nations as the core and international law based on international law.

Chinese officials also focus on the principles of China on the Taiwan issue.Chinese officials emphasized that the history of Taiwan issues is clear and clear, and the facts and current situation of both sides of the strait belong to the same situation of China is clear.The three joint communiqués of China and the United States are the political commitments of both parties. A Chinese principle is the political basis of Sino -US relations.We resolutely oppose the division of "Taiwan independence" and interference in external forces, and will never leave any space for any form of "Taiwan independence" forces.The position of the Chinese government and the Chinese people on the Taiwan issue is consistent. It is resolutely safeguarding the firm will of the Chinese people in more than 1.4 billion national sovereignty and territorial integrity.Public opinion must not be violated, and you must break self -immolation.I hope the United States can see this clearly.The United States should say that it will unanimously adhere to the principle of China and fulfill the three joint communiqués of China and the United States.

Xinhua News Agency quoted Biden that the world today is in a critical period.U.S. -China cooperation is not only conducive to the people of the two countries, but also the people of all countries.The United States hopes to maintain a smooth conversation with China, enhance mutual understanding, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgments, seek cooperation in the field of interests, and properly control differences.According to Xinhua News Agency, Biden said that I would reiterate that a Chinese policy in the United States will not change and will not change. The United States does not support Taiwan's "independence."

The heads of state of the two countries also exchanged opinions on the Ukraine crisis, and the Chinese official reiterated the position of China.

The heads of state of the two countries believe that the call is frank and deeper, agree to maintain contact, and instructs the working team of both parties to continue to communicate and cooperate for this.