(Morning News) The US President Biden Biden arrived on Wednesday (July 13) and arrived in Israel to start the Middle East. It is expected to go to Saudi Arabia on Friday.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Biden will have a two -day talks with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, and will meet with Palestine President Abbas on Friday (15th) on Friday (15th).

Subsequently, Bayeng will fly directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia on Friday to talk with local officials and attend a summit of the Gulf Alliance.

The purpose of Bayeng's trip is to promote regional stability, deepen the integration of Israel in the region, and against the impact of Iran.

U.S. officials said that Biden visited the Middle East this time hoping to promote the normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

A Israeli official said: "We are gradually moving towards this goal", and pointed out that the fact that Biden could fly directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia "contains many dynamics that has been continuously developed in the past few months".Essence

In addition, Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia is also deemed to help stabilize the petroleum market by re -contact this long -term important strategic allies and major energy suppliers in the United States.

However, the White House officials insisted that the purpose of this visit was much widespread than simply to increase oil production.The United States will only convey general views to Saudi Arabia and Bay Allies, that is, there should be more oil supply in the global market, but it will not explain in detail the specific quantity.