(Morning News) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) lowered the forecast of economic growth in the United States this year and next, and raised its unemployment rate until 2025.

Xinhua News Agency reported that IMF reduced the expected US economic growth expectations in 2022 and 2023 to 2.3%and 1%, respectively.This is the second time IMF has lowered the expectations of US economic growth since June this year, highlighting the deterioration prospects of US economic growth in the background of the Fed's interest rate hike.

In late June, IMF reduced US economic growth in 2022 from 3.7%in April to 2.9%, and the growth expected growth in 2023 was reduced from 2.3%expected in April to 1.7%.

IMF Executive Board previously issued a statement saying that due to the support of unprecedented currency and fiscal policy, the US economy has "quickly recovered" from the impact of the crown disease, but the rapid rebound accompanied "extensive inflation and soaring", and the rapid rebound is accompanied by "extensive inflation and soaring."It constitutes a "systemic risk" for the United States and the global economy.

The statement also said that the pressure of wages and prices rising existence is widely existed, and the short -term indicators that measured inflation expectations have risen significantly, and long -term indicators have begun to rise.In this context, the focus of US government policies should be placed in the absence of decline and rapidly slow down prices.

IMF predict that the US GDP this year (GDP) is expected to increase by 2.3 % to 2.9 % below the prediction of last month.IMF is currently expected to have an unemployment rate of 3.7 % this year, higher than the 3.2 % of the previous forecast.The IMF is also expected to exceed 5 % of the unemployment rates in 2024 and 2025.

IMF Executive Director agreed that for the United States, avoiding economic recession is becoming increasingly challenging. It is necessary for the Federal Reserve to give clear guidelines in advance to ensure the exit of the loose monetary policy withOrder and transparent.