(Morning News) Ukraine said on Wednesday (July 13), saying that the problem of grain exports is restored, and it is expected to make breakthroughs in the four -party talks launched in Turkey.

Before the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Ukraine and Russia were one of the world's major wheat supply countries.Since the outbreak of the war, more than 20 million metric tons of Ukrainian grains trapped in the Port of Ao Desa, Black Sea.

Reuters reported that in order to restore food exports, Ukraine, Russia, Turkish and UN officials held closed -door talks on Istanbul on Wednesday.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Coraba said that Kiev believed that the agreement to restore food exports was only "two steps away", but other participants seemed not to be so optimistic.

Kulba told the Spanish National Journal before continuing the talks: "We have only two steps to reach an agreement with Russia. We are in the final stage, and now everything depends on Russia."

The Turkish Ministry of Defense said earlier that during the talks, the representatives will be committed to establishing a safe corridor in the Black Sea in order to transport food from the port of Ukraine.

However, Kulba also stated that Ukraine's overall position on the war has not changed.

He confirmed that there was still no peace between Russia and Ukraine, and excluded the territory to Russia in any future agreement.