(Morning News) The Sri Lanka Air Force confirmed that President Rajapaksa has flew to Maldives with his wife.

Reuters reported that the Sri Lanka Air Force issued a statement on Wednesday (July 13) saying: "According to the constitutional provisions and the government's requirements, the Air Force provided the president and his wife and two security officials today today.After a plane, they sent them to Maldives. "

In addition, the Supreme Commissioner of India in Colombo does not think that Rajapaksa provides convenience on Twitter, referring to the report as" nonsense "as" nonsense "Essence

Thousands of anti-government demonstrators last Saturday Occupied the Presidential Palace of Sri Lanka , but Lajapaksa was as long as the demonstratorThe residence of the official residence before entering and issued a statement that promised to be in Wednesday to eliminate obstacles for "excessive power and peace".

Rajapaksa will lose his arrest and exemption after unloading the presidential position. Generally, he believes that this is why he rushed to go abroad before his resignation.

Sri Lanka is in the worst economic crisis since 1948 independence.Due to the severely damaging tourism industry and depletion of foreign exchange, the government was forced to suspend or significantly reduce people's biological materials such as imported grain, fuel, and drugs, leading to lack of supplies.Last month, the local overall inflation rate was as high as 54.6%, and it may rise to 70%in the next few months.

According to the New York Times, until the end of this year, Sri Lanka needs $ 6 billion (about S $ 8.4 billion) to buy fuel and other necessities in orderCome.

The Sri Lanka people generally blame their suffering on the Rajapaksa family, who has dominated Sri Lanka's politics for many years.