(Morning News) Korean folk group "Friends of South Korea" on Tuesday (July 12) refers to the map application of Apple in the United States to mark the entire region of Baitou Shantianchi as Chinese territory.

Yonhap News Agency reported that the friend of South Korea (Vank) said that as of Tuesday, the results of searching "Baitou Mountain Tianchi" on the Apple map showed that the whole region of Tianchi was classified as a Chinese territory, and the map description was also indicated as "China in ChinaChangbai Mountain Tianchi ".

According to the DPRK -central border treaty signed on October 12, 1962, the DPRK occupies 54.5%and 45.5%of the Tianchi, and the northwestern region belongs to the Chinese side and the southeast is returned to the DPRK.The South Korean portal website NVAER map and Google Maps in the United States have marked Tianchi half of the DPRK.

The representative of South Korea's friend Park Kitai said that Bai Tou Mountain Tianchi is of great significance and symbolicity for Korean history, and global netizens worldwide use the Apple map. Thereforemark.