Taiwan Lai Qingde said that "democracy Taiwan and authoritarian China are not affiliated with each other", which is a long -term recognized objective fact internationally. He also expressed his hope that he would join forces with other democratic partners to support the democratic umbrella to deal with totalitarian aggression.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China painfully criticized Lai Qingde once again revealing the harsh nature of stubbornly insisting on Taiwan's independence, implementing Taiwan independence division, and constantly provoking confidence.

According to the press release of the Taiwan Government, Lai Qingde was invited by New York's non -profit organization Concordia on Wednesday (September 25) at the annual summit.

Lai Qingde said that global democracy is currently suffering seriously, and authoritarianism is continuously expanding.Russia has invaded Ukraine for more than two years. Mainland China has exacerbated military instability in the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and adopted a gray area strategy such as economic coercion and cognitive operations.

Lai Qingde said that the threat of mainland China to Taiwan is a threat to the overall international community. Mainland China must not only change the current status of the Taiwan Strait, but also try to change the world order based on rules and achieve hegemony internationally.

He also said that mainland China often expands power through legal warfare or distorted history."Democratic Taiwan and authoritarian China are not affiliated with each other." Mainland China malicious distortion of the United Nations Conference No. 2758 decided that Taiwan is part of the People's Republic of China and has no right to participate in the United Nations system and other international fields.

Lai Qingde said that he thanked the United States and the China Policy Council Alliance (IPAC) for adopting specific explanations against mainland China. It also hoped that more countries can support democratic Taiwan together and make the power of democracy more powerful., Common to curb the infringement of authoritarianism.

Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, said at a regular press conference on Wednesday that although the sovereignty and territory of China has never been divided or allowed to divide.The arguments of Lai Qingde's so -called "do not belong to each other" and "insisting on sovereignty" have neither historical legal basis nor conforming to objective facts.

Zhu Fenglian reiterated that the future of Taiwan lies in the unity of the country and can only be determined by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, including 23 million Taiwanese people.Lai Qingde and the DPP continued to provoke independence, advocating the danger of leaning on foreign conspiracy and uniqueness, and martial arts alone, and set the danger of the Taiwanese people in Taiwan independence.