The three political parties in Taiwan and the opposition have launched offensive and defense on the "UN General Assembly 2758". The three parties have different positions and demands.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Newspaper China Times and other reports, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan opened on Friday (September 20).And hope to promote the resolution of the court.

However, there are differences between the claims and demands put forward by the three parties.

Internationally involved in the marginalization, calling on Mainland China to face the objective facts of the existence of the existence of the "Republic of China", and the United Nations accepts the "Republic of China" as soon as possible to return to the organization.

The DPP Group advocates the resolution of the United University 2758 involving only the representative power of mainland China in the United Nations. The full text does not mention Taiwan.The resolution will be linked with the "One Central Principles" to accept Taiwan to participate in the United Nations as soon as possible.

The biggest difference between the Blue and green parties is "the main nature of the country".Based on Taiwan as the main opposition resolution.

The people's party requires the administrative department to actively strive for meaningful participation in various international organizations, and invite the executive director Zhuo Rongtai to participate in the work progress of international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization in this conference.A special report was conducted in the Legislative Yuan.

Chen Zhaozi, the party legislator of the people, said on Friday that he hoped that the Executive Yuan would take responsibility to help the people of Taiwan hold the international space and join international organizations.

The Taiwan Legislative Dean, South Korea ’s yield, instructed the three cases to pay the second reading in the hospital and be negotiated in the opposition.

The UN General Assembly No. 2758 decided to acknowledge that the People's Republic of China regime is the sole legal representative of China in the United Nations, and has become one of the five permanent members. At the same timeThe seats are expelled.

Since then, Taiwan's international status and the battle of UN seats have become hot topics from time to time.

The Netherlands and Australian Parliament have recently passed a motion to accuse Beijing to distort No. 2758 to decide to damage Taiwan's status and compress Taiwan's international space.The Democratic Progressive Party immediately promoted the proposal of "UNU 2758's resolution is not involved in Taiwan."