Chinese official media recently broadcast a series of documentaries for quenching, showing some key weapons and tactics that the PLA will use to attack Taiwan, as well as weapons and equipment such as portable air defense weapons and long -range rocket launchers that the Taiwan army purchased.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the documentary reflects that the PLA has regarded the Russian and Ukraine War as an important textbook, and its combat system is constantly improving.

CCTV Sunday (September 15) and Monday (September 16) broadcast military documentary quenching fifth and sixth episodes, showing the PLA helicopter formation implementation of cross -sea air assaults, long -range rocket launchers to strike the "enemy to the enemy.Fang "Kishi Missile positions, etc. are closely related to the drills of the stage, but do not mention the detailed time and place of these drills.

In the Army Aviation, the helicopter pilot named Lin Weijian first recited the nostalgic nostalgia of the poetry of the mainland's hometown with the poetry of Taiwanese poet Yu Guangzhong.He also said that the large number of portable air defense weapons pose a huge threat to the helicopter, and he and his comrades are trying to find a way to win through practical exercises.

Documentary shows the large formation of Jiejun's land airline helicopter, and how to carry the island forces to carry out cross -sea air assaults.Before the helicopter took off, the PLA took the lead in sending drones to implement reconnaissance.When the helicopter was close to the outlying islands through ultra -low altitude, he encountered a "enemy" to launch a portable air defense missile on the beach.Helicopters have launched interference bombs and maneuvering, while calling drones to strike the "enemy" air defense position.

Taiwan has purchased 250 "Poison" air defense missiles launched by a single soldier from the United States, and is planned to complete the delivery in 2026.Earlier this month, Taiwan announced the addition of 1985 "thorns".

At the beginning of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Russian elite troops rushed to the Kievotanov Airport by helicopter, trying to create conditions for the landing of large transport aircraft.However, the Ukraine used a portable air defense missile known for flexible and hidden, causing major damage to the Russian helicopter, and shattered the intention of the Russian army's "first battle."

The PCL-191 PCL-191, a new remote box rocket launcher, also cracked down on the target of sea and land in the documentary.PCL-191 made a public appearance on the Chinese National Day military parade in 2019. It can be able to launch rockets with a range of up to 350 kilometers and 500 kilometers of ballistic missiles.

Because the average width of the Taiwan Strait is 180 kilometers, the PCL-191 can crack down on the west coast of Taiwan from the position in mainland China, and provide the PLA's landing forces to provide accurate and continuous fire support.

The documentary mentioned that after receiving the information of the "enemy 'rocket launcher, the information of the" enemy' rocket launchers, and the shore-based missiles began to set up ", they immediately launched the PCL-191 launch of the rocket to fight.

Taiwan is expected to receive the first batch of 11 sets of "Hamas" M142 high -engine rocket launcher this year. Its range is 300 kilometers, which also has the characteristics of high strike accuracy and rapid movement.The Ukrainian army has repeatedly used this weapon to crush the Russian offensive and attack Russia.

The PCL-191 rocket launcher operator said in the documentary: "While we are targeting the enemy, the enemy is also aiming at us. The decision is between the slightest."

Documentary also tells the type 055 destroyer Yan'an ship with carrier carrier -based aircraft, drove out of the foreign electronic warfare aircraft in the east of Taiwan, as well as the Air Force early warning aircraft, fighter, drone, bomber and tanker formation training in the distant sea training training in the sea in the sea.Content against the sea.The east of Taiwan is the key sea area where the PLA prevented the United States and its allies from intervening in the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan TVBS reports that the anti -air defense position of the PLA drone simulation in the quenching is exactly the Qingfan Port of Xiyi Island, which is located outside the sea of ​​Fuzhou City, Mainland. The Taiwan Army deployed air defense missiles on the island.Su Ziyun, director of the National Institute of National Defense Strategy and Resources of the Taiwan Institute of Defense and Security, said that in the face of the drone that integrates the reconnaissance and strike function in mainland China, the Taiwan army needs to accelerate the active and passive disguise and protection.

Song Zhongping, a Chinese military commentator, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the PLA attaches great importance to unmanned equipment such as drones and has relevant military capabilities in various arms.

Song Zhongping emphasized that the content of quenching is only what the Chinese military is willing to let the outside world see. "In fact, the goal of the PLA system combat capability is not the Taiwan army, but the United States and Japan alliances."