A man in Mainland China sneaked to Taiwan on Saturday (September 14), the Taiwan court believed that the man had a risk of escaping and skewering, and ruled that the man was detained.

Comprehensive Free Times Lianhe Daily and Yiping News reported that after the prosecutor of the New Taipei local procuratorate began to question, at 10 pm on the 14th, the man named Wang (31 years old) involved in the immigration law of immigration abroadThe suspicion of incoming criminals without permission, there is a risk of escaping and skewers, and asked the court to be detained for a ban.The New Taipei District Court ruling in the early morning of Sunday (16th).

The man drove a rubber boat from Ningbo, Zhejiang on September 9th. On the early morning of the 14th, he called about 10 meters in Shantou, Linkou District, New Taipei City to call for help.The officers of the Maritime Patrol Department were taken ashore and submitted to the Sea Patrol officer back to the investigation office.

Taiwan fishermen also reported the case after discovering.Local fire and sea patrol officers found that the man named Wang was seriously dehydrated, and he was sent to the hospital for humanitarian rescue.The man named Wang claimed that he was in debt and wanted to go to Taiwan to live again.

The United Daily News reported on Sunday that this was the second time that mainlanders in the past year have been driving from driving boats to the Taiwan Maritime Patrol Agency from the sea, and it has reached the case of Taiwan ’s intercourse.Although the population of the parties is self -described, it is really impressed by the security of Taiwan. If someone with the heart is illegal, is it really possible to drive straight into.

The article pointed out that the previous man named Ruan drove a small boat in June to reach Danshui Old Street. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the man named Wang drifted to Linkou Beach next to Taipei Port on the eve of the Mid -Autumn Festival.The coincidence and sensitivity of the time and place is reminiscent of the hijacking tide of cross -strait in the early 1990s. Especially in the whole year of 1993, 10 mainland civil aviation aircraft were hijacked to Taiwan, and it was just Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn FestivalThere are opportunities for civil aviation to rob the "alternative holidays" in Taiwan.

The article calls on the Maritime Patrol Agency to think about it, quickly make up for the break, and criticize the chairman of the maritime committee of the natives of the sea patrol.Essence

Guan Biling posted a Facebook post in the evening that there was no human loss for the sea tour of the crowded incident, and said: "The problem of highlights is a part of the need for the need for great increase in national coastal defense.The system and the drone system should be upgraded and deployed. Today, I also discussed with patrol leaders to discuss various directions to enhance the toughness of the sea.