The Beijing -Huazheng disadvantages involved in the Taiwanese party chairman Ke Wenzhe continued to ferment. The Taipei District Procuratorate once again reported that Peng Zhensheng, deputy mayor of Taipei City, who was betting on Thursday (September 12) to clarify the case.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Liberty Times reported that the prosecutor had announced that Peng Zhensheng once on Tuesday (September 10), and once again, Peng Zhensheng was announced on Thursday.It is reported that Peng Zhensheng took the prison car and arrived at the North Check at about 9.36 am.Faced with media inquiries, Peng Zhensheng did not respond.

The report reported on the report described that Peng Zhen sounded with a smile and entered the North Check, saying that he was quite easy.

After the former Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe was detained on September 5th, after being detained on Yitituli, the Taipei Local Procuratorate has borrowed news including Ke Wenzhe and other people in Beijing.Evidences such as accepting bribes.

According to reports, the prosecutor's recent news of the densely reported the defendant, in addition to tracing the collection of bribery and whether there were other officials involved, and continued to know the applicable conditions of the witness protection law.It helps the prosecutor to clarify the case or prosecute other coexistence, etc., to be alleviated or exempted from his punishment.

Sanli News Network, a political position, reported that Peng Zhensheng and the chairman of Weijing Group, Shen Qingjing, may be transformed into stain witnesses. Prosecutors have not confirmed this.Earlier, Shen Qingjing's appointed lawyer said on Wednesday (September 11) in response to the media inquiries that Shen Qingjing did not plead guilty, and for the time being, he would not consider turning into a stain witness.