Hong Kong merchants who have been involved in the spy case in Taiwan to the heart and his wife Gong Qing charged Apple Daily to slander.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Ming Daily Xingdao Daily reported on Wednesday (September 4) that China Innovation Investment Chairman Xiang Xin and Gong Qing were involved in a spy and money laundering case in Taiwan five years ago.Four years, finally returned to Hong Kong in October last year.

The Xinxin couple charged Apple Daily on Tuesday (3rd) to publish seven articles in 2019, accusing the Apple Daily suspected of slandering them to engage in spy or special agents, asking the court to issue a ban on the Apple Daily (suspended) to continueRelease related articles and losses such as compensation for reputation damage.

It is reported that the two defendant companies Apple Daily Co., Ltd. and Apple Internet Co., Ltd. did not send representatives to appear in court.The judge Pan Zhaoyong pointed out that he received a letter from the defendant earlier, saying that he would be absent from the hearing without any evidence, so the court would continue the interrogation under the absence of the defendant.

The plaintiff emphasized that the two were restricted to export to Taiwan for many years, and they were considered to be considered when they were ruling.After hearing the words, Pan Zhaotong will give a verdict within six months.

The case began with Wang Liqiang, who claimed to be "Chinese spy" on November 24, 2019 to the Australian media, saying that he was instructed to the heart of the heart to engage in intelligence work in Taiwan and intervene in the 2020 Taiwan election as a Kuomintang candidateHuman South Korea Yuxu.

In this regard, the Taipei Procuratorate investigated the couple in accordance with the National Security Law, and restricted the two of them to go out and go to sea. The two then faced a series of judicial investigations such as money laundering.Due to insufficient evidence, the Xiangxin couple involved in violations of the National Security Law.In October last year, the heart couple returned to Hong Kong.