Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwanese party, was banned from being suspended for Tu Lijing Huacheng.Ke Wenzhe's sister, Ke Meilan, posted on a social platform, criticizing the DPP government to abuse judicial power and let Taiwan move from democracy to authoritarian.

Ke Meilan Sunday (September 1) wrote on Facebook that from the end of the 20th century to the 21st century, including Russia, Turkey, Venezuela, Hungary, White Ross, Poland, Thailand and many other countries from democracy to autocracy. TheseThe country has elected the president from democratic elections, and then the president has changed through control of the media and controlling justice to a dictatorial country.

She said that it was a historic day for Taiwan on August 30.A government can use judicial power and police rights to arrest the leaders of the Wild Party without evidence. This is the beginning of the dictatorship.Taiwan has also kept up with this wave of history. From the "country" of democracy, it has officially become a totalitarian autocratic "country".

Ke Meilan said that after August 30, anyone who wants to fight against corruption and autocracy of the Democratic Progressive Party, or even people who just hinder the Corruption of the DPP, will be prison at any time."Because Taiwan has lost human rights."

She said that all prosecutors, judges, police, media, Internet celebrities, and famous mouths; "Congratulations to you to become members of the centralized rule group, but history will remember you, and Taiwan will hardly take Taiwan from democracy from democracy.Send it into the hands of the autocracy group. "

Ke Meilan believes that democracy is dead, Ke Wenzhe is only the first martyr who sacrifice. After that, there will be thousands of Ke Wenzhe.EssenceIn the face of the totalitarian government, anyone will become victims at any time.

Ke Wenzhe and Peng Zhensheng, former deputy mayor of Taipei, who also involved in the Jinghua City case on Saturday (August 31st), were transferred to the Taipei District Court's waiting room with the certificate of the Certificate of Casino.The Taipei District Court said that the judge scheduled the procedures such as scrolls and laws on Sunday morning. It is expected that Debate .