In response to the Pacific Island Forum Conference (PIF), the statement involved in the status of the participation of Taiwan was deleted under the pressure of mainland China.This move has no damage to Taiwan's status and various rights in PIF.

According to the Taiwan China Times, Xiao Guangwei, deputy spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan on Saturday (August 31), said that Taiwan's development of pressure on the mainland has been mastered throughout the process, andThe country cooperates closely to safeguard the rights and interests of the participation of Taiwan.

Xiao Guangwei said, it is understood that Article 66 of the announcement of this year has supporting Taiwan participation provisions: "PIF reiterates relations with Taiwan/Republic of China", and the member states had this resolution at that time, but it has not been included in the United Union yet.The communiqué, after being informed by Mainland China, protested with the country from its country to PIF Secretariat. Since the PIF Secretariat had announced on the official website, the draft was subsequently removed. "Most member states are unreasonable to China."

Xiao Guangwei said that after the mastery of Taiwan, I would like to contact Ai Ibang, who is the same as PIF member states to actively communicate with the PIF secretariat and other member states to strive for relevant provisions, but all member states seeks harmony for harmony for harmony.In the end, the opinions of all parties in the PIF official website were published on the PIF official website with the diversified and inclusive spirit of the Pacific Way.All rights and interests.

Xiao Guangwei said that Taiwan's unreasonable intervention in mainland China, destroying regional peace, and stable behaviors of the most severe condemnation, and called on all the countries to pay close attention to the various behaviors of mainland China, maintain the various acts of mainland China, and maintain the Pacific island nation.Harmony and stable development.

The 53rd Pacific Island Forum Leader Meeting on Friday (August 30) closed at Tanga, and a joint bulletin was generated in the meeting.Partners participate in the position of the forum.

However, Qian Bo, the special envoy of the Pacific Island country in mainland China, strongly protested this and demanded that the PIF Secretariat changed its expression that the original bulletin was removed from the PIF website that day.In the communiqué re -shelves on Saturday, a statement involved in the status of the participating participation in Taiwan was removed.