Taiwan's inspection unit on Friday (August 30) in the morning raid the people's party chairman and former Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe's residence and office.Ke Wenzhe defended innocence.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times United Daily reported that after the People's Party was searched in Ke Wenzhe's residence and office on Friday morning, two states said that the people's party could not know that prosecutors searched the Central Party and other places to search for searches and other places.Reasons and necessity, but will still cooperate with the investigation.

The people's party calls on the inspection unit to adhere to the legitimate legal procedure in the search procedure, and do not have the necessary scope of surveying the necessary scope of investigation.

The People's Party emphasized that the party's branch held a case in accordance with evidence and called for a fair case in accordance with evidence, and called on prosecutors to follow the principle of uninterrupted investigation. Do not guide the outside world to judge and infringe on Ke Wenzhe's reputation.The party is waiting to investigate and restore the truth, and fully supports Ke Wenzhe to defend the innocence.

Ke Wenzhe relaxed the plot ratio of the Beijing Huacheng Shopping Center to 840%during the appointment of Taipei Mayor's appointment, causing the outside world to question that Ke Wenzhe might make a profit from it.The Taipei Procuratorate was investigated in the case in May this year and listed Ke Wenzhe and others as the defendant.

Ke Wenzhe announced on Thursday (August 29) that he apologized for political contributions and fake ledger storms. After three months of leave, the prosecutor Jiang Zhenzhang and the deputy director of the Independent Department Lin HanqiangLearn to search for Ke Wenzhe Taipei City and the office in the Taiwan Glass Building for search.

Joint News reported that the key figure involved in the case, Shen Qingjing, chairman of Weijing Group, and the Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Ying Xiaowei and others have successively paid the insurance. In addition, Ke Wenzhe asked for a three -month long vacation.After the testimony, the inspection unit accelerated the pace of investigation and rushed directly to Ke Wenzhe's residence to perform simultaneous search and interview operations.

It is understood that the North Procuratorate commanded nearly 10 locations, including Peng Zhensheng's home, the people's party office, etc. It is expected that the three will be discussed.