The Democratic Progressive Party ruling in Taiwan has criticized that the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi for the president of the president for vacation for more than 100 days, abandoning New Taipei Public Security, which led to the public security holes in New Taipei City, frequent campus violence, and the pain of citizens suffering.The index rose and called on voters to use votes on January 13 to ask Hou Youyi to go to work.

Comprehensive Sanli News Network and the Central News Agency reported that DPP spokesman Zhang Zhihao, New Taipei City Councilor Yan Weici, Li Yuxiang, and Zhang Jinhao held a press conference on Saturday (December 30) to attack Hou Youyi abandoned New Taipei City in order to run for presidentPublic order ignores it.

Zhang Zhihao said that Hou Youyi proposed the "three arrows of law and order" at the political opinion meeting recently, but Guo Zajia, a Kuomintang Pingtung County Councilor who was involved in the case of fraud groups.Qin Qisong, who sucks 1 billion (NT $ 43 million), took a photo of Qin Qisong; in terms of sweeping drugs, New Taipei will make a masterpiece from May this year.The town army platform, "really ironic".

He criticized, Hou Youyi asked the mayor of the leave, the law and order was rotten, the campus violence, and the bullying incident frequently spread.

Yan Weici said that Hou Youyi took nearly 100 days of leave, and let go of New Taipei Public Security, and linked to the underworld at all.She also said that "voting the Kuomintang, the underworld cannot be blocked." The Kuomintang has the triad background candidates.Back to the Legislative Yuan, the legislature was infiltrated by the underworld into a tool for the benefit.

Li Yuxiang mentioned that Hou Youyi started to take leave from September 23, a 113 -day holiday.In the world's or far -sighted evaluations, Xinbei's public security satisfaction was at the bottom of six degrees, and even after Hou Youyi re -elected as the mayor of New Taipei, he continued to have a major shooting.Hou Youyi is the mayor of New Taipei and claims to be in public security. "But in the face of these major shooting cases, do you have no countermeasures and responsibilities in New Taipei?"

Taiwan New Taipei City Monday (December 25)An incident of cutting neck murder on campus, a third -year male student in the middle school middle school was angry to help the "Gan Girl" who was blamed, and picked up the pre -Tibetan spring knife towards the neck and chest of another three male students in the nation.The latter died two days later.