Mainland China intends to cancel the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) tariff reduction.Automotive components and other industries have scattered the market early, and the export of mainland China has declined significantly.

The Customs Tariff Committee of the Mainland State Council announced in December that it suspended the tariff reduction of 12 petrochemical tax products in ECFA.

The website of the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland (January 9) issued a press release on Tuesday (January 9), quoting the spokesperson saying that since the announcement of the ECFA announcement in December, the DPP has not taken any effective measures, Cancel the trade restrictions on the mainland, instead perform political manipulation, trying to plant stolen dumps and avoid responsibilities. "

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce warned: "The relevant departments are studying the early suspension of ECFA's early harvesting of ECFA's early harvesting of agricultural, fisheries, automotive parts, textiles and other measures to stop ECFA.. "

Comprehensive Central News Agency, Economic Daily, and Zhongshi News reported that the secondary head of the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Chen Zhengqi attended the post -press conference after attending the Executive Yuan on Thursday (January 11) that the mainland previewed in the Taiwan electionIt is obviously political manipulation to cancel the ECFA tariff reduction, but ECFA is already a mutually beneficial supply chain for cross -strait. The mainland should not be politically manipulated or armed cross -strait trade.

Chen Zhengqi also said that since the mainland has made such political manipulation and economic coercion several times on the mainland, the government has prepared a sufficient counseling plan and funding.Improve industrial competitiveness.At the same time, assisting the industrial upgrading and transformation, through R & D subsidies to launch differentiated products, and strengthen the marketing market, and fully communicate with the industry to let the industry understand the situation.

He pointed out that many industries in the mainland have excessive production capacity. Therefore, the industry has previously reminded the industry to respond to the Red Sea competition, and said that the textile industry and automotive components have scattered the market early, and the exports of the mainland account for a significant proportion of global exports.decline.

Xiao Zhenrong, executive secretary of the Economic and Trade Office of the Taiwan Executive Yuan, said at a press conference that trade issues should be regulated according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) mechanism, but the mainland should follow the unfair, unfair, and opaque to Taiwan trade barriers.The survey, one -sided termination of some ECFA projects, violated the WTO specification.

Xiao Zhenrong further said that according to the rules related to WTO, if one party believes that the members of the WTO violate the relevant obligations, they should first deal with the rules and specifications of the WTO first, and cannot be determined by themselves.