The ban on the Taiwanese group visiting mainland China will be canceled in March this year.It can be available 10 days before and after the Spring Festival, and the application will be accepted from now on.

The Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Transport of Taiwan issued a press release on Monday on Monday that according to the "planning to restore cross -strait air transport passenger takes" based on March 9 last year, the March 9 was released.The flight point of regular flights may apply for charter machines.

The Civil Aviation Administration said that considering that the Spring Festival is an important traditional festival and the demand for the return travel transportation during the Spring Festival, the airline can apply for the procedure to apply for the Spring Festival in accordance with the procedures.On the 10th (January 31 to February 20), flying at 13 mainland aircraft passenger charters.

The Civil Aviation Administration pointed out that the current 13 navigation points that can apply for flying charter include: Shenyang, Wuxi, Haikou, Changsha, Xi'an, Jinan, Hefei, Nanchang, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Dalian, Guilin, Xuzhou, etc.EssenceIn accordance with relevant regulations, in accordance with relevant regulations, 10 working days before take -off, the application for the charter machine and the copy of the charter contract, etc., please indicate that the Civil Aviation Administration is approved.

As for the regular passenger airlines on the two sides of the strait, the Civil Aviation Administration said that there are currently transportable capacity to be available during the Spring Festival.Increase passenger flights under the capacity.

The Ministry of Communications of Taiwan announced in November last year that it will dismiss the group travel ban in Mainland China in March this year. The Minister of Communications Wang Guogu also said that it is planned to announce relevant details before the Spring Festival this year.ban.