In less than one month in the Taiwan election, the U.S. State Department approved the soldiers with a total of about 300 million US dollars (about S $ 400 million) to maintain the tactical information system.

Scholars of interviewees believe that the United States hopes to use military sales to guarantee the support of the United States through military sales, and also reiterates to mainland China that its strategy in the Indian Ocean-Pacific will not change.

Comprehensive Reuters and Voice of the United States reported that the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced on Friday (December 15) that this round of military -sold equipment will be used to maintain Taiwan's "Xunan System" command, control, communication and computer systemThe life cycle to ensure the safe transportation of tactical information and improve Taiwan's ability to deal with current and future threats.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense issued a press release on Saturday (December 16) that the military sales can improve the effectiveness of the Taiwan Army's co -command management system, which helps to master joint combat images and effectively perform defense missions.The military sales case has been launched notifying the U.S. Congress procedures, which is expected to officially take effect one month.

After the US House of Representatives Perosi, then the US House of Representatives, after visiting Taiwan last August, Mainland China launched a military exercise around the island. In the past year, it has repeatedly passed military operations to express their dissatisfaction with the United States and Taiwan.

From 6 am to 6 am on December 15th, at 6 am on the 16th, the Taiwan military has been detected by 27 main military aircraft and nine warships.The military aircraft with the Southwest Airship is 10 times.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that the frequent military operations around the mainland in Taiwan have pose a serious threat to Taiwan.Based on the Taiwan Relations Law and "Six guarantees", the United States continues to provide Taiwan's defensive weapons, which is the basis for maintaining regional stability and peace.

The Taiwanese government spokesman Lin Yanchen expressed his gratitude to the US military sales decision, and pointed out that the military sales showed that the US government "attaches great importance to the demand for defense in Taiwan and assisted Taiwan to obtain the equipment required for defense."

This is the fifth time in the United States this year to Taiwan's military sales, and it is also the twelfth time to Taiwan's military sales since the US President Biden Biden took office in 2021.

Lin Yingyou, assistant professor of the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Tamkang University, was judged during the interview with Lianhe Morning Post. At this time, the United States sold Taiwan's military sales at this time not only the support of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government, but also showing to Beijing that even if China and the United StatesThe relationship between the relationship after the worship was recovered, and the U.S. stand -alone position remained unchanged.

The United States will hold a presidential election in November 2024, and Biden, who is seeking re -election, may once again decide with former President Trump.

Lin Yingyou said: "At present, Biden, who is currently in the election, also hopes to express the support and trust of the people by supporting the people of the United States through the military interaction with Taiwan on the Taiwan issue through the military interaction of the United States."

Beijing has always insisted that the issue of Taiwan is the most important and sensitive issue in Sino -US relations. It requires the United States to stop armed armed in Taiwan and stop interference in China's internal affairs.

Although the military sales are dissatisfied with Beijing, Lin Yingyou believes that this will not deteriorate Sino -US relations.He explained: "In essence, this round of military sales follows the established policy of Taiwan, and does not allow mainland China to feel a greater threat, or step on their red line."

Taiwan will hold the president and legislator election on January 13 next year.China and the United States are paying close attention to this election because it will determine the relationship between cross -strait.

On the same day in the United States announced a new round of Taiwan military sales, the US ambassador to China Burns warned Beijing at the Washington Think Tank's Brookings Society, not to interfere in Taiwan's elections, and urged "to take responsible parties to take responsible parties.Behavior".He said: "Our strong expectations and hope is that the elections will not be intimidated, coerced or interfered by the parties."

When answering questions from reporters at a routine press conference on December 13th, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China to answer questions, saying that the United States should say the "serious political commitment" made on the issue of Taiwan on the issue of the US worship meeting, and stopped release to Taiwan independence.Error signal, stop involving the election of Taiwan, Berns emphasized: "The United States does not have, and will not be involved in these elections. Our long -lasting hope for the entire complex Taiwan issue is that the differences between the two sides of the strait can be resolved peacefully. This is the focus of the US policy."