The countdown of the Taiwan election is less than 30 days. The beautiful island electronics newspaper, which is a rolling poll every day, released the latest polls.With 35.7%of support, the "Hou Kang Bai" formed by the leading Kuomintang and vice presidential candidate Hou Youyi and Zhao Shaokang was 4 percentage points.

The Miyuki Electronics News released the 90th wave of polls on the website on Friday (December 15). Lai Xiao's support is 35.7%, and Hou Kang is 31.7%.As for the "Ke Ying Bi" composed of Ke Wenzhe and Wu Xinying, the candidate of the Citizen Party's Vice President, they received 18.6%support.

Compared with the polls of the 89th wave of the Meilimao Electronics News, the support of Lai Xiao and Hou Kang with two groups of candidates have not changed much., Slightly increased by 0.5 percentage points to 35.7%of this.Hou Kang's support increased from 29.5%in the previous time to 31.7%of this time, while Ke Ying's support was 19.0%from the previous time, down 0.4 percentage points to 18.6%.

The 90th wave of the Minmei Electronics Daily's 90th wave of people's survey time is from December 12th to 14th.The poll visited 1201 people, and the maximum value of the sampling error was positive and negative at 95%at the level of trust.

The latest polls announced on the website on Saturday (December 16) on Saturday (December 16) also showed that Lai Xiao's support continued to lead the other two groups of opponents.

According to the poll of ETTODAY News Cloud, Lai Xiao with 38.5%support, 35.1%of Hou Kang with 35.1%, and the gap between the two sides was 3.4 percentage points, while Ke Ying paired at the bottom of the 19.6%support.

Compared with the last survey results, Lai Xiao's support increased by 0.9 percentage points from 37.6%to 38.5%.Hou Kang's support also increased from 34.8%in the previous time, slightly increased by 0.3 percentage points to 35.1%.As for Ke Ying's support, it fell 1.7 percentage points from 21.3%to 19.6%from 21.3%.

ETTODAY News Cloud's latest polls are from December 14th to 15th, and the number of valid samples is 1300 copies. At the level of 95%of confidence, the sampling error is positive and negative 2.72%.