The Speaker of the US House of Representatives McCarthy signed the U.S. Congress's first batch of agreement implementation bills that the 21st Century Trade initiative passed by the United States Congress a few days ago, and has been transferred to the White House, waiting for President Biden to sign into effect.McCarthy said that this became the first step for Republicans of the House of Representatives to continue to support the people of Taiwan.

According to the press release issued by the official website of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday (August 2), the bill confirms that the US Congress supports the preliminary trade agreement reached by the United States and Taiwan. The bill stipulates that the agreement and future and future and future and futureThe Taiwan Agreement will not take effect without the approval of the US Congress, and requires the Bayeng government to negotiate any agreement with the future with Congress.

McCarthy pointed out that US -Taiwan relations are based on a common commitment to peace and democracy. The US -Taiwan economic partnership is essential to pursue freedom in the world.He thanked the President of the Planning Committee Smith to understand this important friendship and put forward legislation, "This will be the first step in the Republicans of the House of Representatives to continue supporting the people of Taiwan."

Smith said that the US Congress focuses on ensuring that the trade agreement meets the greatest interests of US workers, families, farmers, and small companies.In the context of continued threatening the interests of the United States in China, Taiwan and the United States have maintained close trade relations. This legislation strengthens its relationship with Taiwan, an important ally, and ensures that the American people have a strong and powerful voice in future trade negotiations through public opinion representatives.EssenceHe called on Biden to sign the bill immediately to formally legislate.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports that after a year of negotiation, the first batch of Taiwan -US trade initiatives signed the headquarters of Washington, the China Association (AIT) in the United States (AIT) on June 1.AIT Executive Director Ingrid Larson signed, and Deng Zhenzhong, the Political Commissar of the Taiwan Executive Yuan, and Sarah Bianchi, US deputy trading representatives, and AIT chairman Laura Rosenberger.

The first batch of agreements include five issues such as customs administration and convenient trade, good legal operations, service industry rules, anti -corruption, and small and medium -sized enterprises.Deng Zhenzhong said at the time that the second stage may lock the three major issues of labor, environmental protection and agriculture, but need to negotiate with the United States.

Before the agreement takes effect, the US President must first report to Congress to explain how the agreement promotes the trade relations between the United States and Taiwan and promote the interests of US workers, consumers, enterprises, and farmers.Any measures required for fulfilling the agreement have been taken.

The first batch of the Agreement Implementation Acts of the 21st Century Trade Initiative of the United States and Taiwan were agreed with the House of Representatives and the Senate on June 21 and July 18, respectively.After McCarthy signed the bill, it was officially sent to the White House on July 27, waiting for Biden to sign.If the president does not act, the bill will take effect automatically after 10 days.Participation and public houses have passed this bill, and it is expected that Biden will not use veto veto.