(Taipei Comprehensive News) Taiwan media broke the news that several active and former officers were suspected of engaging in spy activities for mainland China. The Taiwan Government confirmed that the Ministry of National Defense and the National Security Unit had mastered specific illegal certificates and asked the judicial organs to investigate according to law.To strengthen anti -intelligence education.

According to Taiwan media reports such as the Free Times, the Commander of the Taiwan Army Aviation Special Forces (Navigation), involved in the case.In custody.Another arrested person was the surname of Xie.

Investigators searched on Monday (July 31) searched the headquarters headquarters in Taoyuan.There are four retired officers who have been investigated, which are bail.

The above -mentioned active Lieutenant Colonel Flying Officer of Xie surnamed the 601 Brigade in Longtan, Taoyuan. The brigade is equipped with the Apache attack helicopter, responsible for the defense of Taipei and North Taiwan, and the title of Longcheng Army.Nowadays, it is reported that the active and former officers are involved in secrets to the Chinese mainland. Huang Chongyan, deputy secretary -general of the Taiwan government, scolded the "shame", saying that the person involved should be subject to the most severe sanctions by the law.

Reuters said according to the court records and Taiwan's official news agencies that in the past 10 years, at least 21 jobs or retired captains or higher -level Taiwanese officers were due to their spy activities for mainland China.Crime.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense stated that the Taiwan army would hold a constant anti -intelligence education to improve the alertness of security; at the same time, it was closely confidential operations, and the control of damage was properly controlled.