Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, visited Japan. The party chairman Zhu Lilun said, "pro -American, friendly, and Lu" is the road that the Kuomintang is firm.

According to Lianlian News Network, Zhu Lilun said at the Common Conference on Wednesday (August 2) that this visit to Japan, seeing Hou Youyi's ability to maintain the peace of the Taiwan Strait, Hou Youyi will continue next.Visit the United States.

Zhu Lilun said that he would like to thank the Kuomintang thanks to the Japanese ruling party and Liberal Democratic Party and a lot of parliament members, as well as the support of Hou Youyi from all walks of life.road.

Hou Youyi, who is visiting Japan, was interviewed by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) at the Tokyo Dome Hotel, Japan on Tuesday.Hou Youyi said that after he was elected in Taiwan, he would uphold the principle of former President Ma Ying -jeou's "not unified, unique, and not martial arts" to return cross -strait relations to stability.

Regarding the relationship between Taiwan and Japan, Hou Youyi said that Japan is extremely important for the overall order of the Asia -Pacific region.Taiwan and Japan maintain a very close relationship and play an important role in maintaining regional order.