The United States officially announced that it will provide Taiwan with a military assistance of $ 345 million. This is the first time that the Bayeng government has provided military aid to Taiwan with existing inventory extraction from the United States.

Comprehensive Agencence France -Presse, Reuters, Bloomberg and Voice of the United States reported that Friday (July 28), local time of the White House, the White House announced that it would provide Taiwan with 345 million US dollars (about S $ 459 million) to Taiwan (about S $ 459 million)Military assistance, but did not announce the military aid list.

The White House said in a statement that the military assistance facilities provided to Taiwan will include defense materials and services of the Ministry of National Defense, as well as military training and education to assist Taiwan self -defense.

In the 2023 national defense budget, the US Congress agreed to use the President's President's extraction right to provide military aid to Taiwan.aid.

Spokesperson Menas, a Pentagon, said that the military aid will include the key defense inventory, multi -field perception, anti -armor, and anti -air capabilities, so that Taiwan can be used to create and strengthen the future and the future.Fighting ability.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, said in a statement: "China resolutely oppose the US military sales against Taiwan and maintain military contact with Taiwan.""

The Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States thanked the United States for their solid commitments for security in Taiwan, and said that Taiwan will continue to work closely with the United States to ensure that the Taiwan Strait is stable and maintaining the status quo.