(Washington/Taipei Comprehensive News) Six US members of the United States sent a letter to Vice President Harris, and suggested that she met Lai Qingde in person to show her support for Taiwan in August to visit the United States in August.

Comprehensive Voice of America and the Taiwan China Times reported that Republican Republican Republican members Tom Tiffany led Harris on July 26 (Wednesday) local time (Wednesday), calling on her to arrange a meeting trip when Lai Qingde passed the United StatesEssence

The letter emphasized that in 2018, the US Congress quickly became a US policy, and encouraged the senior officials of the United States to meet with their peer officials. At that time, Harris, the Senate, also supported this legislation.

The letter also pointed out that in recent months, the recklessness of provocative conflicts in the Taiwan Strait has doubled in the Taiwan Strait, and continued to carry out money diplomacy, and relentlessly tightening Taiwan's international space.Meeting with Lai Qingde will show the importance of the friendship between the United States and Taiwan and the dislike of Beijing's intervention in the US foreign policy, showing the Bayeon government's unbridled bullying in China.

China has always opposed the interaction between US -Taiwan officials, and is highly alert to Lai Qingde's transit of "Taiwan independence".Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng has previously publicly stated: "The priority is to resolutely block Lai Qingde's 'gray rhino' that is rushing to us."

Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Yongjian said on Thursday that for many years, the US Congress and the two houses have supported cross -party support for Taiwan for many years.As for the outside of the outside world, Lai Qingde's trip to the United States, based on the practice and tacit understanding of both parties, it will explain to the outside world in a timely manner after the itinerary is determined.