Welcome to the Taiwan election on January 13, 2024, five and a half months later, the biggest common thing in common in the main competitors is to emphasize peace.

Although the sayings of all parties are different, the core information is "choosing me, and it will bring you peace."Regardless of the discussion and methods, everyone has made a vision of peace, and promises that after being elected, they will work hard to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

Taking Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, who was brewing, as an example, he visited the United States on Sunday (July 30) and emphasized that this was a peaceful trip before departure.It is said that he may meet with the American 100 -year -old legendary diplomat, and also arranged to visit think tanks and officials to prepare to convey to the American people to be peaceful and not war.

On the 65th anniversary of the "823" artillery battle on August 23 this year, Golden Gate will hold a memorial service.On the same day, Guo Taiming and the three major party presidential candidates (DPP Chairman Lai Qingde, the Kuomintang New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi, and Ke Wenzhe, Chairman of the People's Party) will attend. The four of them are expected to put forward their respective peace discussions and concepts to strive for voters.

In 1949, the Civil War ended in the Communist Party of China. After the Kuomintang government retired from Taiwan, the cross -strait 833 artillery battle with Kinmen Island in 1958 also called the second Taiwan Strait crisis.After the worst 44 days after the battle, the mainland PLA changed to "singles and double -not -fighting" (single -day shelling, double -day shot), and stopped the shelling before 20 years from January 1, 1979.

Guo Taiming went to Golden Gate to publish more than 2500 words of Kinmen Peace Declaration in May this year, advocating to restart negotiations with mainland China on the basis of the principle of "one Chinese and each table", and use Kinmen as the permanent negotiation location to form a cross -party, cross -party, crossThe ethnic group, the cross -generation team discussed the peace prospects with the other side.

It is reported that the two behind -the -scenes writers of the Golden Gate and Peace Declaration are Guo Taiming's core strategists, senior media people Chen Wenqian and Yang Zhao.The two drafted together and modified the moisturizing by Guo Taiming.According to political reports, Guo Taiming is likely to announce the election decision on the day of the 823rd anniversary and launch a citizen co -deployment.

Taiwan has just experienced the military exercise that was regarded as the fourth Taiwan Strait crisis in August last August. The peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait continued to attract global attention. This presidential election was also regarded as a choice of war and peace in the wild camp.

In response to the voices of peace, Lai Qingde, a DPP candidate who promised to be a "pragmatogeneous Taiwan independence worker", has adjusted the "anti -China -China Taiwan" into a gentle "Peace -to -Bao", and proposed to strengthen national defense and economy., Democratic and maintaining the status quo's "four pillar political opinions".

However, Lai Qingde, who has the leading support for polls, mentioned on July 10 that "walking into the White House" is the ultimate political goal, and the independent route has once again aroused doubts about all parties.He will transit the United States in mid -August, and Mainland China Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng said on July 19 that the urgent prince should block Lai Qingde's visit to the United States.It has brought severe challenges to Lai Qingde's construction and maintaining peace.

In order to win the support of the Blue Army, the Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi clearly expressed his explanation in early July to support the "92 Consensus in the Constitution of the Republic of China" and obtain a positive response from Beijing.A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China Affairs Office stated that he is willing to promote the peaceful development of cross -strait on the basis of the 1992 consensus and the common political basis of Taiwan independence.

Ke Wenzhe, a popular party candidate who has supported the second public party, advocates "Taiwan's autonomous and cross -strait peace", that is, to restore communication with the mainland under the premise of ensuring the system and lifestyle of Taiwan's democracy and freedom.He also mentioned the "family on both sides of the strait" and released goodwill to the mainland.

Whether the Peace Bakery shouted on the table can be moved by a vote in the hands of Taiwanese voters.Before the realization of the peaceful goal of time, voters witnessed the swords and swords of politics every day.

First of all, the prefectures staged every day.Many comments have pointed out that Lai Qingde, a ruling party candidate for the support of about 305 polls, faces more than 60 % of the polls of the party's rotation, and is adopting the strategy of "fighting Ke Guo's edge" and suppressing the wild leader at the wild leaderYang Ke Wenzhe's momentum and encouraging Guo Taiming to run for the formation of a four -corner melee to avoid Hou Youyi returned to the top of the poll. The big direction is to flatten the power in the wild and check the balance of each other to ensure the division in the wild.

Come again is the internal fighting and mutual fighting in the wild party.At the end of last year, the Kuomintang, who had a good situation after the "Nine -in -One" local election, was in a good situation because of the nomination chaos. Recently, the campaign office strengthened the firepower to sacrifice the party discipline and asked the legislators to unite to support Hou Youyi, but it also attracted the attractionMany rebounds, Jin Jicong, the executive chief of the competition office nicknamed "Golden Swords", were also questioned as a conspiracy to kill the party.

Many voters were originally expected to integrate in the wild, and it seems difficult.Guo Taiming, Ke Wenzhe, and Hou Youyi did not give up each other. They have no dialogue with each other. The struggle in the wild camp has become the focus every day, and the supervision of the ruling party has become a foil.

Optimistic, the wild camp is currently a brothers climbing and working together. In the end, it may be able to work together for the overall situation.However, in the eyes of others, the vision of peace is far away. The sword light sword shadow is in front of him, and you can't help worrying that if even internal communication and integration are so difficult, can you still expect the future consensus and restart the peaceful dialogue between the two sides of the strait?