Brazilian President Lula on Thursday attended the inauguration ceremony of former Brazil President Rossev as the president of the BRICS New Development Bank, emphasized that the era when Brazil's absence of major decisions in the world has passed"After we were absent for no reason, we have returned to the international stage."

Brazilian President Lula led the huge delegation to Shanghai on Wednesday (April 12), opened the first visit to China after taking office, and said that Brazil had returned to the international stage.

China has been connected to the leaders of Europe and Latin America, which has been connected to China for two weeks; interviewed scholars analyzed that China tried to release signals that have not been isolated from the United States.

Lula's national visit to China from April 12th to 15th is the first time he visited China after taking office in January this year, but he had previously conducted twice to China during the President of Brazil from 2003 to 2010.state visit.The trip to Lula focused on the China -Pakistan economic and trade cooperation, and it has stated that it will propose a proposal to the Russian and Ukraine War to mediate the peace talks to the Chinese official.

Lula was originally scheduled to visit China at the end of March, but at that time, he delayed his trip due to pneumonia.

According to the news released by the official Rula's Twitter, he attended the inauguration ceremony of the former President of the BRICS Development Bank in Shanghai on Thursday (April 13) in Shanghai, and visited Huawei's innovationcenter.He will meet with China in Beijing on Friday.

Former Brazilian President Bosonaro promoted Brazil's diplomacy closer to the United States from 2019 to 2022, and reduced enthusiasm for participating in global governance.Lula chose to attend the brick -country institutions' activities in the first stop of China. In addition, the Russian and Ukraine talks proposals were repeatedly proposed before the start of the journey.The role in the middle.

According to Agence France -Presse, Lula emphasized when attending the inaugural ceremony of Rostef that the era when Brazil's absence of major world decisions has passed.

The delegation includes more than 200 senior officials of Brazilian business

There are about 40 senior officials and more than 200 Brazilian business leaders who visit the Brazilian delegation with Lulla.During the visit of Lula, the two countries expected to sign more than 20 bilateral cooperation agreements covering agriculture, technology, tourism and other fields.

Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America. In 2009, China surpassed the United States during the presidential period of Lula and became Brazil's largest trading partner. The bilateral trade volume of the two countries reached US $ 171.49 billion (S $ 227.206 billion) in 2022.After Lula served as the president this year, the economic and trade cooperation between the two sides was promoted again.The business has landed this month.

China Official Media Global English website described Lulla's interview as the return of China -Pakistan "Brotherly Relations". Some scholars also commented on the Global Times that China -Pakistan relations will return to the era of "dual fever".But Leland Lazarus, deputy director of the National Security Department of Florida International University, published a comment article analysis at the American diplomat magazine that Lulai would not be willing to act as a "younger brother" of China while seeking the achievements of Chinese economic achievements.

Lula has visited the United States in February this year. Lazarus pointed out that although there were previous views that Lala would alienate the United States after taking office, he roughly maintained the relationship with the United States and showed a balanced between China and the United States.attitude.

French President Macron just visited China last week. German Foreign Minister Berbak also visited China on Thursday to Saturday (April 13th to 15th).

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, judged that China tried to release clear signals through a recent series of diplomatic activities, indicating that the United States could not beolate China; Lula's visit to China will further enrich the relationship between the two countries., But if China Pakistan has to combine the United States, this is completely impossible, and it is not China's strategic goal.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, believes that the United States expected to pay attentionInfluence.

Li Mingjiang said that the visit of Lula's trip to become the struggle between China and the United States was an unusual diplomatic move.This shows his support for China, but it does not mean that Brazil has chosen in diplomacy, it just shows that Lula does not agree with the United States' statement about national security in the high -tech field.