Taiwan claims that mainland China has reduced the ban on flying after its protest of the suspension plan to form a safety risk. Bloomberg reported that this may be a rare concession made by Beijing on the occasion of cross -strait tensions.

According to reports, the Taiwan Ministry of Communications issued a statement on Wednesday (April 12) saying that the mainland originally planned to score in the Fei Airlines Intelligence Intelligence Zone in Northern Taiwan from 9 am to 2 pm from April 16th to 18th.Set a ban area.At this time, it was only two days before the PLA's military exercise ended.

Taiwan protests the mainland's move on "the regional flight management has seriously affected, and the rights and safety of the air traffic in the air."Beijing subsequently informed Taipei forbidden to fly to the time of banning flight from 9:30 am to 57 am on the 16th, and the whole journey was 27 minutes.

Beijing has not issued any public declaration on the ban on the ban.The Civil Aviation Administration of Mainland China did not respond on Wednesday night.

The PLA just conducted a three -day military exercise around Taiwan, expressing his dissatisfaction with Taiwan Cai Yingwen's transit in the United States and meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy.

Song Wenyi, an expert at Taiwan Politics and Cross -Strait relations at the National University of Australia, said: "Beijing has changed the plan after receiving a protest from Taiwan, which is absolutely unusual."

He believes that the Beijing adjustment planIt shows that there may be problems with coordination between different government departments."The aviation department may require a longer -flight time for technical needs, but then the economic and foreign departments shorten it to minimize the rebound in neighboring areas."

According to Bloomberg News AgencyIt is reported that Japan will hold a meeting of foreign ministers of the Seventh -Kingdoms Group from April 16th to 18th, overlapping with the mainland's original settlement area.

The second long room of the Ministry of National Defense's Intelligence Youxian Yixian said at a press conference in Taipei on Wednesday that the prohibited area of the mainland plan is located in the air defense identification zone in Taiwan, about 85 nautical miles north (about 157 kilometers (about 157 kilometersTo.He also said that the mainland may be to launch satellites.China has begun to launch satellites from the maritime platform in recent years.