The DPP ruling in Taiwan on Wednesday (April 12) Nominated Lai Qingde, the party chairman, participated in the 2024 presidential election.After the meeting, Lai Qingde issued a conversation that Taiwan has land and the people, and regularly re -elected governments at all levels. In fact, it is already a country with sovereignty and independence.

He emphasized that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China do not belong to each other." Taiwan is also not the so -called "indiscriminate part of China" in mainland China. The future of "Republic of China" is only 23 million people.

On the same day, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, said at a routine press conference that the history of the Taiwan issue was clear and clear, and Taiwan was a part of the legal director of China.Although the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not been fully unified, China's sovereignty and territories have never been divided or allowed to divide. Taiwan's status of Chinese territory has never changed and it will never be allowed.

She said that in the face of the legal and reality of cross -strait relations, the so -called "cross -strait do not belong to each other" and other fallacy will only be swept into the historical garbage dumps.

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou and the current Tsai Ing -wen visited mainland China and the United States last week, respectively.Ma Ying -jeou publicly announced that the two sides of the strait belonged to the same China, while Tsai Ing -wen insisted that it was an outdated discussion in the 1970s, reiterating that the cross -strait was not affiliated with each other.

Lai Qingde believes that Ma Cai's schedule shows different meanings and values of Taiwan. Ma Ying -jeou returns the framework of the "one China" principle in the past, while Tsai Ing -wen moves towards the international road on the road of democracy.

He emphasized that the 2024 election faced two options, not war and peace, but the choice of democracy and dictatorship.He will do his best to complete the goal of being elected by the president's high vote and more than half of Congress.

Tsai Ing -wen commented on Lai Qingde's Facebook, saying that adhering to Taiwan's freedom and democracy, showing Taiwan's determination to go to the world is a consistent goal, and it is also the common expectations of the people of Taiwan.

Investigation on trade barriers on Taiwan's trade restrictions on Taiwan

It is worth noting that Tsai Ing -wen's transit in the United States and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives McCarthy returned to Taiwan on April 7th, and the mainland conducted military exercises on Taiwan from April 8th to April 10th.The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China issued an announcement on Wednesday, which has conducted a trade barrier investigation on Taiwan's trade restrictions on mainland trade.

Announcement says that Taiwan's related measures are prohibited from importing mainland products, which mainly include 2,455 items such as agricultural products, tortual chemical products and textiles.The survey should end before October 12 this year, and it can be extended to January 12, 2024 under special circumstances.January 13, 2024 is the voting day of the Taiwan election, and the mainland's economic pressure intention is clear.

Zhu Fenglian answered the reporter's question, saying that Taiwan ’s officials have taken unilateral restrictions on Taiwan’ s more than 2,400 products in the mainland for a long time, causing damage to the interests of related industries and enterprises in the mainland.

She said that in accordance with the application of the Chinese Food and Animal Inlet and Export Chamber of Commerce, the Fortune and Chemical Export and Export Chamber of Commerce, and the Textile Import and Export Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Commerce decided to decide on April 12, 2023 on TaiwanOn a trade barrier survey, the conclusions of the survey will be announced in a timely manner.

Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor at the China Institute of China in Tamkang University, pointed out to Lianhe Zaobao that the people of Taiwan may not feel the military exercises of the mainland, but if the mainland takes the action for these 2455 products, it will affect Taiwan's economic survival.It will be very impressed.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs in Mainland China, in 2022, the mainland imported goods from Taiwan was US $ 238.092 billion (S $ 316.5 billion); the total exports of the mainland to Taiwan were 81.587 billion US dollars, and Taiwan enjoyed a trade of up to $ 156.5 billion to the mainland.surplus.