In response to the announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China on Wednesday (April 12), we will conduct trade barriers to Taiwan's trade restrictions on mainland trade restrictions from now on.The mainland committee of Taiwan said that the announcement of the investigation of trade barriers this time was an interference in the increasing increasing the interference with the Taiwanese operators and helpless the further cooperation and development of cross -strait trade.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports, the Taiwan MAC said on Wednesday that cross -strait (mainland and Taiwan) joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the end of 2001 and early 2002. As the two parties did not join the WTO process, they did not have not did not join the WTO process.In order to protect the interests of the goods, in order to safeguard the interests of the Taiwan side, Article 8 of the trade license measures in Taiwan and the mainland region is clearly determined that allowing the input of mainland items in Taiwan must be in line with the non -endangering "national" security and have no major adverse impact on related industries.conditions of.

The Taiwan MAC has continued to point out that the government has continued to review the import projects of mainland China in accordance with this regulation for many years. At present, there are no more than 2,000 agricultural products that the Taiwan side has opened to the land.

The Taiwan MAC emphasized that in response to the problems of the aforementioned Taiwan party's issues of imports of some products in mainland China, both sides of the strait had negotiated, but they could not be completed for some reason.position."This time, the land side announced a trade barrier investigation of 2455 products in Taiwan. The Taiwanese side believed that the interference with our industry would not help further cooperation and development of cross -strait trade."The relevant government agencies will continue to keep the subsequent development of this case, and the problems that the industry may face will also be necessary to assist.

The Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said on Wednesday night that the import specifications for mainland China items are managed in accordance with the "Taiwan and Mainland China Trade Licensing Measures" set in April 1993.The two -month review meeting was held, and based on Taiwan's needs, 9,835 mainland agricultural products were allowed to import.At present, the Taiwanese side has not received a notice. If Lu Fang determined that the trade barriers that constituted the composition should take bilateral negotiations, start a multilateral dispute resolution mechanism or take other appropriate measures.

The Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau said that cross -strait economic and trade interactions are mutually beneficial and complementary, and it is also a key part of the world's supply chain.EssenceIf necessary, the Taiwanese side is willing to discuss with the on -shore consultation with the trade issues without prerequisites.

Mainland Taiwanese businessmen believe that if the mainland wants to operate cross -strait economic and trade, it can announce the termination of the Straits Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA), and there is no need to take additional measures by the Ministry of Commerce.At this time, the mainland announced that it may have a strong warning that if the warning of Taiwan will continue to seek independence and let external forces interfere, it is necessary to prepare for a large -scale trade punishment.

Wu Jiaying, Executive Vice President of the National Taiwan Enterprise Federation and chairman of the Jiahao Group (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., said that all those engaged in cross -strait economic and trade exchanges were worried as soon as possible.Although cross -strait relations have been in a subtle state in recent years, cross -strait economic and trade has continued to grow. Last year, the total amount exceeded 300 billion US dollars (S $ 398.3 billion), a new high.

Wu Jiaying said that the survey of the mainland may have a strong political meaning than the actual significance in the short term, and it has a strong warning.

Liu Danian, director of the Regional Development Research Center of the Taiwan China Institute of Economics, said that Lu Fang always believed that cross -strait trade was asymmetric. When cross -strait negotiations on ECFA, the mainland proposed to protest. At this time, the mainland re -proposed that it may be the new government.After taking office, we must comprehensively review cross -strait trade measures, and hopes to request Taiwan to improve in detail.If Taiwan does not respond, it may be restricted to Taiwan.

He also said that of course, it does not rule out political motivation, but the official two parties have no communication mechanism at present, and the mainland may increase uncertainty about cross -strait economic and trade.

Xu Zunci, director of the Taiwan Southeast Asian National Association Research Center of the Taiwan Economics Institute, said that it has been more than 20 years since the addition of WTOs from both sides of the strait.Any requirement of trade investigation measures may be special consideration at this time.

She said, one, one, the current cross -strait relations are not good, and the related industrial unions within the mainland are dissatisfied with the restrictions on the Taiwan market, and the official must respond; the second, which may also be dissatisfied with the current government of Taiwan.Third, the mainland believes that the ECFA is profitable to Taiwan, but Taiwan does not respond to it; in the end, both sides of the strait apply to join the cross -Pacific partner comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP).The application, because the CPTPP has certain requirements for the trade specifications, the mainland proposes a trade barriers to investigate at this time, so as to highlight that Taiwan's foreign trade measures still do not comply with the WTO regulations.

The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China issued an announcement on Wednesday afternoon that it will conduct trade barriers to Taiwan ’s 2455 products from now on, mainly including agricultural products, tortual chemical products, textiles, etc.The Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland said that the survey should end before October 12, 2023, and it can be extended to January 12, 2024 under special circumstances.