Reuters on Wednesday (April 12) quoted people familiar with the matter that mainland China plans to set up a forbidden area in northern Taiwan for three days from April (April 16).However, the Ministry of Communications of Taiwan subsequently pointed out that after protest, the "aerospace activity" time will be adjusted to from 9.30 am to 57 am on the 16th, and the whole journey will be 27 minutes.

Comprehensive Free Times and Central News Agency reported that the Ministry of Communications of Taiwan issued a press release on Wednesday afternoon that the Taipei Feihang Intelligence Zone under its jurisdiction is located in East Asia and North and South Roads.On the grounds of aerospace activity, a warning area was set up on a number of international routes, limiting flights to flights, for three days.Navigation rights and security are more significant. "

However, the Ministry of Communications of Taiwan said that after protest, the "aerospace activity" time will be adjusted to from 9.30 am to 57 am on the 16th.

Earlier, Reuters quoted four people familiar with the matter and revealed that mainland China plans to set up a banned area in northern Taiwan for three days from Sunday.

It is reported that the four anonymous officials outside the mainland said the ban will disrupt the Feihang Intelligence Zone (FIR) in northern Taiwan.They also said that the reasons for the implementation of the measures are not clear.

A senior official who directly understands the matter said that the above ban will affect flights between Northeast and Southeast Asia, which will affect the 60 % to 70 %, as well as Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and North America.Flight.