Sunday China Military Military Military Military Military Sunday (April 9th)Continue to organize the tactics and exercises around Taiwan around Taiwan. The Xuzhou ship of the mainland military and the Yiyang ship of the Taiwan military reported that they appeared in the waters east of Taiwan. The distance between the two ships was about 5 sea.

CCTV military reports, the multi -military troops have implemented a combination of precise combination of simulated combination of simulated combination on the key goals of Taiwan and the surrounding waters, and continued to maintain the trend of the enclosure.

In the Taiwan Strait, many farewood ships and missile speedboats at sea jointly pursued the overall target of Taiwan's southwest of Taiwan.In different directions, police cruisers adopt a high -speed maneuverability and hidden enemy to occupy the scheduled strike array.

The Eastern Theater Navy Xuzhou Ship implemented tactical actions in the waters east of Taiwan on Sunday morning, and was the Yiyang ship at a distance of about 5 nautical miles.

The theater Air Force Air Force dispatched dozens of sub -warnings, reconnaissance, fighters, bombing, and interference machines in the theater.Grasp the situation of the battlefield and provide target guidance and support for joint assault forces. "

The theater Army's distant box fire troops opened up the linkage of reconnaissance, command, and firepower networks. Relying on the drone to provide strike guidance for the launch unit, it launched a multi -target precise blow and multi -bomb composite damage drill.

Jiang Xiaodong, a brigade of the 72nd Army, said: "This blow exercise, we are completely organized in accordance with the actual case, focusing on increasing firepower and accurate damage.New warfare. "

The Rocket Army Mission Force reported that the first round of the first round of the key target simulation of Taiwan was completed, and it moved to the preparatory position overnight.The command post was screened to determine the new round of strike targets, dozens of sets of launch units occupy the launch array and establish a high alert state, the operating number is accurately completed to complete the launch preparation, and the second round of strikes are implemented at any time.