Mainland Chinese military experts pointed out that the aircraft carrier Shandong ship participatedThe tranquility of the circular to Taiwan also believed that the exercise continued to form a constant circumstances on Taiwan.

Zhao Xiaozhuo, a researcher at the Academy of Military Sciences, told the Global Times on Saturday (April 8th) that the exercise was two operations in two operations around Taiwan's combination of police patrols and joint sharp sword exercises.It refers to the PLA's sea and air soldiers with real bombs across the Taiwan Strait to patrol the combat reserve.The joint sharp sword exercises of the military such as Lu, Hai, Air, and Rocket Army have formed a constant surrounding trend for Taiwan.

Zhao Xiaozhuo's analysis, this is a combination of combat exercises with a complete element."The Army dispatched a long -box fire remote box rocket, the navy dispatched destroyers and frigates, the Rocket Army had several conventional firepower units.A large -scale practical exercise under the system. "

The news released by the Eastern theater shows that after the order is connected, the theater's army is far -box, the navy drive, the missile speedboat, the air force fighter, bombing, interference, Come on and other models, rockets often lead the fire unit of fire unit, and quickly gather to the scheduled region and start combat deployment.

After receiving the order of the participating troops, they quickly collected and went to the exercise area. The equipment appeared in related videos included the Rocket Army's Dongfeng-11 conventional missiles, the new box of the Army's new box, and the J-10C of the Air ForceFighter, air police 500 early warning aircraft, oil-20 air tanker and navy's 052C destroyer and 22 missile speedboat.

Global Times also quoted the news network report screens that the first-day training was the J-16 fighter, bombardment-6K bomber, Yun-8 anti-submarine patrol aircraft and 054A frigates.

Zhao Xiaodong believes that the exercise is extremely powerful. All the participating elements are real soldiers installed real bombs. The ship radar that performs combat reserve training is turned on, and it is at any time in combat reserve.This practical reflects the PLA's frustration of all Taiwan independence split activities and external interference acts, and resolutely defend the strong determination, determination of national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, firm will and strong abilities.

Zhao Xiaodong also said that the goal of the exercise is very clear and clear, that is, to seize the ability of sea rights, air power, and information rights, and focus on testing the ability to seize the right."Who can win the war in the war, who has mastered the right to make sea power, air control, and information control. Among them, seizing the right to control the information is the dominant power of controlling the battlefield information, maintaining its own ability to communicate, Unicom, etc., and deprive the other party's related capabilities, such asElectromagnetic pressure to the entire radar base and counter -lead base of the Taiwan Army has caused it to become 'blindness' and 'deaf'. "

The participation of the Shandong ship carrier formation is also one of the characteristics of the exercise.Zhao Xiaozhuo said that the Shandong ship carrier formation has gone to the east of Taiwan. The current participation in the western, northern, eastern and southern parts from Taiwan's participation in Taiwan has formed a constant siege for Taiwan.