On the 8th) Military Show, which was carried out in the morning, 29 of them flying over the central line of the Strait.

According to the China Times News Network report, mainland China began to start the Taiwan military exercise for three consecutive days on Saturday morning, and the eastern theater immediately launched actions.The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that in the morning of the mainland, military aircraft and warships are divided into 42 aircraft such as J -10, J -11 and J -16 as of 11 am, including the Passover midline and entering the Southwest Airship as of 11 am.29 times; eight warships in mainland China.The Taiwan Army used the task machine, ship, and shore -setting missile system to closely monitor and deal with them.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense emphasized that the mainland military deliberately manufactured the tension of the Taiwan Strait. In addition to destroying peace and stability, it also had a negative impact on regional security and development.The Ministry of National Defense expresses solemn condemnation on such irrational actions, and will prepare for combat to defend the "national" security.

After the two presidents Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen ended their trip to mainland China and the United States before and after Taiwan.It is planned to organize the warning of the warup and the "United Lingjian" exercise in the Taiwan Strait and the northern part of the Taiwan Strait, the south, and the east of the Taima Island.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan also announced that from 6 am from 6 am to Saturday at 6 am, 13 sub-military aircraft were discovered, of which the overcoming strait midline and its extension line entered the Southwest Airship.1 secondary, 1 Yun 8 technicians, and 2 J-16 machines.There are also three mainland warships that continue to move around the Taiwan Strait.