Senior US Congress promise to assist in providing training for the Taiwan army and speed up the delivery of US military sales.

According to Reuters, Beijing Saturday (April 8) announced that from now on, the three -day Taiwan Taiwan military exercise was a meeting with McCati, the Speaker of the House of Representatives McChner during the visit of Taiwan's Tsai Ing -wen to transit the United States.Anti -counter response.

The Chairman of the US House of Representatives McCord, at the luncheon of Cai Yingwen at the lunch of the cross -party delegation led by Tsai Ing -wen in Taipei on Saturday, made the above statements.McCord said that they firmly support Taiwan, and the two democratic entities can be united and consistent.

McCord said: "As the chairman of the US House of Representatives of the US House of Representatives, I am responsible for signing all foreign military sales transactions, including sales of Taiwan military.. "

Taiwan has been complaining that the United States has failed to deliver against Taiwan as scheduled since last year.These weapon manufacturers will shift their supply to support Ukraine in response to war with Russia.

McCord said: "We can do everything in Congress to speed up the delivery of these military sales to ensure that you get the weapons of self -defense you need.It is for pursuit of peace, but the details are not explained.

He also said: "Highlighting weaknesses will only attract violations and conflicts. Highlighting strength shows deterrence to advance peace."

After Breaking the diplomatic relations with Taipei in 1979, the two places defense agreementsIt was also ended, but the two sides still maintained close military contacts. The United States is still the main source of foreign countries in Taiwan.

The United States has provided some weapon system training to Taiwan for a long time, including detailed guidance of how the Taiwan troops strengthen the defense strength to cope with the violations of the PLA in mainland China.Some Taiwanese combatants have trained in the United States.

Reuters quoted two U.S. officials in February that the United States will expand the number of troops to assist the Taiwan army.Reuters reported in 2021 that a small number of US special operations forces went to Taiwan to assist in training the Taiwan army.