The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense urgently recalls the three armed forces of all major officers. In response to mainland China, it has been carried out for three consecutive days from now on.

According to the China Times News Network report, the follow -up effect of Cai Yingwen's transit in the United States and the US House of Representatives McCarthy continued to ferment.Mainland China ’s Ministry of National Defense on Saturday (April 8th) was spokesman for the Eastern theater and the Army University Shi Yi announced that the Eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army was planned to be in the Taiwan Strait and northern, southern, and Taiwan Island from April 8th to 10th from April 8th to 10th.With the East China Sea Airspace, organize a police patrol around Taiwan Island and the "Union Sword" exercise.The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan also immediately recalled all the main officials of the Three Army forces to return to the camp area to respond, but did not improve the situation of the combat reserve.

It is understood that during the visit of Tsai Inghado, including Taiwan National Defense Officials (supervisors) of the national security unit and deputy leader (supervisor) all controlled to stay in response.Unexpectedly, the mainland announced the three days of military exercises for the island.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense responded that in response to the announcement of the eastern theater of the mainland, it will implement the war -elimative police patrol and exercise around Taiwan., Appropriate to defend the security of "national".

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense also pointed out that in recent years, the continuous dispatch of machines and ship invasion in mainland China has pose a threat to the regional situation. Even with Cai Yingwen's visit to the United States as an excuse, it has severely damaged regional peace and stability.And safety.The Taiwan Army will deal with it with a calm, rational, and serious attitude, and alert monitoring in accordance with the principles of "not increasing conflicts and not triggering disputes" to "defend national sovereignty and national security."