The host of Phoenix Satellite TV, Zeng Yiyi, was fined NT $ 500,000 for a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of China.Zeng Yiyi responded to this that he respected the decision of the MAC.

According to the Hong Kong Ming Pao on Saturday (April 8), Zeng Yiyi has served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of China since this year.Regulations stipulate that after investigation and punishment of the local Ministry of the Interior, on March 27 this year, Zeng Yiyi fined NT $ 500,000 (S $ 2,864).

The Taiwan MAC issued a press release on Friday (7th) that the CPPCC meeting system belongs to the political organs prohibited by the Taiwan Strait Regulations.As a related position, the purpose is in the model of the type of combat and create a false image of unity.

Zeng Yiyi, who has been working in Hong Kong for a long time, responded to Ming Pao's inquiry that she respects the MAC's practices. Everyone has their own mission and responsibility. "I don't want to let it go."

She also said that the last time she returned to Taiwan was before the crown disease epidemic, and returned to Taiwan in January 2020 to spend the Lunar New Year. She communicated well with her family and had no plan to return to Taiwan for the time being.As for the official fine by Taiwan, she described only to promote exchanges and peace. She was just a small part of cross -strait exchanges and did not want individuals to become the focus.

Zeng Yiyi ran for the election of the Hong Kong Legislative Council Election Committee (40 seats) in 2021, and 919 votes were not elected.According to a report from the Mainland CPPCC last month, she proposed during the two sessions, calling on Taiwan to go to Hong Kong and integrate into Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to develop.