The "straight 9" anti -submarine helicopter in mainland China has been accused of appearing on the eastern airspace outside Taiwan in the past Thursday.Taiwan media reported that the Chinese military may collect hydrological materials in the waters outside the eastern part of Taiwan.

According to information on the official website of the Ministry of National Defense, Zhizhi 9 appeared on the eastern airspace outside Taiwan on the 14th, 17th, 18th, and 20th of this month.

The Taiwan Liberty Times reported on Tuesday (March 21) that the straight 9 is a carrier -based aircraft, showing that there are mainland China warships or suspension.

It is reported that the anti -submarine helicopter is equipped with the sound system, which can put the sound of the sound in the water monitoring submarine. It can also be used to detect the surrounding seabed terrain to collect hydrological data.

Mainland China BZK-005 large-scale monitoring drone was also found to enter the Southwest Air Defense identification zone on the 14th and 17th, bypassing the airspace from the south of Taiwan to the east of Taiwan, forming a north-south in the straight 9situation.The Freedom Times believes that the mainland military is verifying the joint combat effectiveness of sea and air in the eastern waters of Taiwan.