(Taipei / Hong Kong News) Former President Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan will go to mainland China to worship ancestors on March 27, and led Taiwanese young students to communicate with mainland students.This is the first President of Taiwan, which has settled in the mainland since the cross -strait division in 1949.

Comprehensive Taiwan News Agency and United Daily reports, Xiao Xucen, CEO of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, issued a statement on Sunday (March 19) stating that Ma Ying -jeou will go to the mainland from March 27th to April 7th. This trip is expected to visit Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, Shanghai and other cities.

Xiao Xucen pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou will lead Ma Ying -jeou Foundation's young students of the "Big Jiu School" to visit important historical relics such as the Revolution of 1911 and the War of Resistance Against Japan.comminicate.On Monday morning, he will hold a press conference to explain the relevant visit details.

This will be the first time Ma Ying -jeou went to mainland China after his steps off on May 20, 2016.According to the National Secret Protection Law completed by the Taiwan Legislative Yuan in 2019, the outbound control time of departure personnel and other secret -related personnel in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan can be up to six years.It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou's outbound control period is on May 19, 2021.

The Taiwanese government spokesman Lin Yanzen said on Sunday evening that although Ma Ying -jeou's outbound control period has expired, if you want to go to mainland China, you must still handle it in accordance with the regulations of the Cross -Strait People's Relations.The government declared, "But it has not yet received relevant information."

The Kuomintang spokesman Lin Jiaxing said in an interview with the Central News Agency that he respects Ma Ying -jeou's plan and also wished Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu.

On the other hand, Hong Kong 01 quoted that Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the mainland school is responsible for relevant workers, pointing out that Ma Ying -jeou's itinerary will also include visiting Peking University.

In addition, the Qingming public offering Xuanyuan Huangdi ceremony held by China this year will be held in Huangling County, Shaanxi Province on April 5.

Hong Kong 01 also learned that the event was hosted by the Shaanxi Provincial Government in the past. This year, it is rare to be co -sponsored by the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the National Returning Overseas Chinese Federation of China and the Shaanxi Provincial Government.

The Sacrifice Ceremony and time of time were hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.