Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou will be sacrificed on March 27th on March 27The name of the ancestors and exchanges visited mainland China. Whether the trip met with the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Wang Huning and other senior officials of the mainland officials.It was a simple matter to go to the ancestors and lead the young students of Taiwan to land in land.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times United Daily and Zhongshi News reported that Xiao Xuzen held a press conference on Monday that Ma Ying -jeou would visit mainland China from March 27 to April 7, and went to Nanjing in order in order.Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing, Shanghai and other cities, the itinerary is set to sacrifice ancestors in Xiangtan, Hunan, and led 30 young students in Taiwan to communicate with mainland students.

Xiao Xucen said that before the press conference in the morning (20), the relevant report had been sent to the Presidential Palace simultaneously.It is understood that Ma Ying -jeou's trip to Lu before was known to have been known to the Kuomintang Central Committee.

In response to whether this trip met with the senior officials involved in Taiwan such as Wang Huning, Xiao Xuzen said that Ma Ying -jeou's trip simply went to the mainland to worship ancestors. The route was in Central China."Keep the guest with the Lord."

Xiao Xucen said that after Ma Ying -jeou stepped down, there were quite a lot of enthusiastic invitations on the other side, regardless of the people or officials, because Ma Ying -jeou had a lot of contributions to the two sides of the strait. I hope he can go to the mainland.His control, in 2021, encountered the epidemic, and could not be achieved. At the beginning of this year, the mainland was unblocked. The spring was blooming. It was the Qingming Festival.

For this trip with Cai Yingwen's visit to the United States, Xiao Xuzen said that Ma Ying -jeou was planned before the lunar year.Simply ancestors will not have too many political activities, nor will it be expected to encounter anyone.

In response to the problem of the title with mainland officials, Xiao Xucen said that it is unquestionable that Ma Ying -jeou is the former President of the "Republic of China" no matter where he is, but because the two sides of the strait do not recognize sovereignty and do not deny the governance, soIn 2015, the "Malaysia Society" in Singapore called "Mr.". This time, the mainland also used "Mr. Ma Ying -jeou" to honor Ma Ying -jeou.

Xiao Xucen said that this trip was to worship the ancestors and students in the mainland. Ma Ying -jeou's three sisters and a sister will go with each other. Mrs. Ma Ying -jeou, Zhou Meiqing, will not go.The colleagues also include Zeng Yongquan, former Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace, Wang Guangci, Director of the Presidential Office of the Presidential Office, Qiu Kunxuan, Honorary Professor of the East Asian Institute of Politics University, and 30 young students of Liao Yuanhao, associate professor of the Department of Law of the Political University, and Ma Ying -jeou Foundation.

Xiao Xucen said that another focus of this trip is the exchange of young students on both sides of the strait.Ma Ying -jeou believes that young people on both sides of the strait can reduce tensions and the situation on both sides of the strait is becoming more and more tense because the hostility of people on both sides of the strait rises.If you can increase the friendship, the risk can be reduced by one point; the bell must be tied to the bell, and the youths on both sides of the strait will communicate more to let the mainland understand that Taiwan is not hostile to each other.To the lowest.

Xiao Xucen said that Ma Ying -jeou believes that he is responsible for alleviating the tension on both sides of the strait and doing his best for peace on both sides of the strait.Ma Ying -jeou also believes that the more exchanges between the two sides of the strait, the more relaxed the atmosphere. Especially now, the international situation is complicated. The two sides of the strait must communicate. If there is no communication, there is no goodwill, and there is no peace without goodwill.

Ma Ying -jeou's plan to visit multiple anti -Japanese war places, including the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, Chongqing Anti -Japanese War, and the Four Warehouse Warehouse Anti -Japanese War Memorial Hall, Xiao Xuzen said that Ma Ying -jeou attaches great importance to the history of the Japanese Anti -Japanese War.If you want to take a student to see, you must know that the war is fierce, and it is not easy to be peaceful.