Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will go to mainland China from March 27th to April 7th, and will lead Taiwanese young students to communicate with mainland students.However, this trip will not have the second "Xi Jun".

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, this will be the first time Ma Ying -jeou went to mainland China after his steps down on May 20, 2016.He was also the first President of Taiwan, which was settled in the mainland since the cross -strait division in 1949.

According to the National Secret Protection Law completed in 2019 in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, the outbound control time of departure personnel and other secret -related personnel such as the President and Vice President of the Taiwan Legislative Yuan can be up to six years.According to regulations, Ma Ying -jeou's outbound control period expires on May 19, 2021.

Ma Ying -jeou's trip to land no longer needs to be approved by the Taiwan government. It only needs to submit a written declaration to the presidential palace within two days before the departure and seven working days after returning to Taiwan.The Presidential Palace spokesman Lin Yanchen said on Sunday (19th) that the Presidential Palace has not yet received relevant information.

Ma Ying -jeou is expected to visit mainland cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing and Shanghai.In order to avoid intricate political effects, Ma Ying -jeou will not have the second "Xi Jun" with Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.The two met in Singapore in 2015.

It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou knows that visiting the mainland will trigger a political effect. He does not want to go to the mainland's simple desire to enter the complicated political disturbances of international and Taiwan, and even become the goal of political attacks in the Taiwan camp in Taiwan.This affects the election next year, and decides that the trip will not visit Beijing and simply settled to the mainland to worship ancestors.

Relevant sources pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou believes that cross -strait cross -strait has been interrupted for many years because of political disturbance and epidemic factors.Ma Ying -jeou served as a lecture professor at Soochow University after he stepped down as President. Many Lu Sheng and Taisheng had a class, allowing him to feel the effect and importance of cross -strait youth exchanges.

Ma Ying -jeou believes that young people on both sides of the strait communicate with each other and understand each other. Students have more contacts and one more friendly on both sides of the strait; the deeper friendship, the lower the chance of conflict.